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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Ksunole

  1. Hello... Check 1, 2 Check 1, 2... Is this thing on?

    Anyhoo, it's been a while, after being approved mid last year I clocked in around 23 troops. Mid way through I started having issues with the same straps popping. I knew may snap method had gotten the best of me on a couple of straps but enough was enough. On my last sporting event troop I spent most of my time getting hit with Nerf gun darts and kept popping those pesky same snaps. So I remembered early on in my journey one gentlemen advocating for the double snap method and stating that he could do just about anything in his armor with no fear of popping a snap. Today, I have accepted and embarked on the challenge! Justjoseph, challenge accepted (well you never really personally challenged me and frankly when you wrote the statement it wasn't even in a thread that I was part of by I digress)! Anyhow, ripped out the old snaps ( thank you E6000), cut some fresh 2in poly webbing (oh yeah, go big or go home) got that horrible tool from Tandy out and started whacking away. Here is where it will lie till this time tomorrow.



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    Turned out great Jorge. This will be a huge improvement and worth the time.



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  2. I'd love to see a pic of the helmet...I can get it close...the issue seems to be no room for the tube stripes. It is a toughy...I feel like I am having to "force" the cap n back in while keeping some gap to have enough room for the tubestripes.

    I can take one when I get home that is better and from the side.

    Here is one of my niece wearing it.4d063a91e31334fe6cd1e651f23dde02.jpg


    And one where I was trying to be artistic...3870d15cef74f1213cf1b21d0b925c35.jpg


    Now that I look at it, I should probably tighten that ear up some.


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  3. Cool jumping in with both feet starting on the helmet! I want to build the helmet first, but am thinking on starting on something easy like the biceps, forearms, etc. to build up my confidence and skill. So far, I haven't started on anything. ;)

    In my opinion, putting together the helmet and the armor are separate beasts. I put together the helmet first, but it didn't really prepare me for the majority of what armor building is (sizing, trimming, sizing, glueing).


    I'd definitely start with the forearms when you begin the body armor.


    Good luck!



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  4. image_zpsw346o3hn.jpeg








    I went with the split rivets and it was surprisingly easy. I reckon I'll have to take an inch off the top of the butt at some point, but that'll wait for now. Other than that I'm fairly happy with the body, though at some point I may also split the cod from the ab and shorten it. I regret not shortening the kidney now.

    I also took an inch+ off the top of the thighs all round and I'll probably take more off the insides to shape them around the cod better. I can sort of go upstairs, but I doubt I'll be able to kneel without some serious reshaping.

    We only kneel to Lord Vader...


    But in all seriousness, I don't know of many TKs that can kneel in their armor (I know I can't), so I wouldn't worry too much about that.



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  5. I might have a few for you soon, but for now I dunno really.


    Will definitely use this once my scissors arrive, had no clue my kit was gonna shoe up nearly as early as it did.


    Question for completed kit people:

    Does the armor rattle / shake when moving? If so, does adding foam padding do anything to change the acoustics? I have quite a bit spare even after making a second whole helmet of foam, and wanna know if that would really change the volume of moving in the stuff.

    It doesn't really rattle/move if you fit everything correctly. I personally added extra padding inside the shins and forearms to keep them more in place.


    The armor does make noise when walking just due to all the friction of the parts touching, but I think it sounds cool and gives it character.



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  6. Thanks! Gonna double check to see how much I'd have to trim, going to grab a bunch of supplies at some local hardware stores today. Going to follow your advice and do the biceps next. Hopefully no reshaping needed, as I've kept the armor safe and in a moderately temped environment. Also hate to ask about the acronym, what'd TD stand for in your last line?


    Good to know about the painting! Hoping to shoot for at least the level 2 qualification, as I saw on the CRL that ANH Stunt and Hero cannot use AM kits in the Centurion level

    TD = thermal detonator, cylinder that mounts on the back of the belt

  7. After reading along with Navajo Bro's guide, I got a few questions for any knowledgeable people out there!


    • How do you go about making the forearms large enough to fit your hand through? When I set them to line up (Not overlapping) I have just enough room to squeeze my hand through the little inward lip around the wrist end.
    • After the forearms, what should I do next? Been seeing varying builds with people doing the torso or legs next.
    • At what point does the painting come in? I think this is towards the end, but I have and IRL friend who wants to know because they're considering the kit as well.
    • Is there anyone here who's built this / has a lot of time free to possibly PM more about it or even use Skype? My local garrison doesn't have many members in the city I live in, and I just wanna be double sure before I make any irreversible mistakes.
    Agree with Artshot on his points. I have to put my gloves on last since they won't fit through the forearm with the hand guards on. What do you mean by "not overlapping"? The forearms are large enough to where you overlap them, tape to the correct size, mark a line down the seem and cut.


    The only painting that you have to do is on the helmet, an buttons, and rivet/screw heads. Your kit probably came with stickers for the helmet and those are approvable, depending on what level you're going for, so technically the only thing you are forced to paint on the helmet are screw heads, chin (vocoder), and mic tips.


    Feel free to PM me and we can chat through there, Facebook messenger or I could potentially Skype depending on how busy I am at the time. I've only built one kit, so I'm not as knowledgeable as some but I could hopefully get you going in the right direction.



  8. YouTube has a guy tk1636 his build helped a lot for my am2.0 build. As said above use Navajo bros guide helped a lot as well. I did the TD first just take your time measuring twice cut once.



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    I used these a lot as well, I don't believe it's an AM 2.0 kit but most of them go together the same. Watching someone else do it is very helpful.
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  9. Appreciate the tips, will be looking into Academy very soon... Any tips on where to get the majority of the snaps / misc. supplies? Would a store like Home Depot or Lowes have the majority of them or should I go online to scope stuff out?

    I've heard not to buy the Dritz brand snaps that Walmart carries. I bought the line 24 snaps made by Tandy, I believe I got them from Amazon. You can get the scissors from joann's or amazon, the elastic, e6000, Velcro, paint pens at joaann's or walmart. I received enough extra abs plastic from Troopergear with the armor for any extra things. Earth magnets from eBay. Got the neck seal from Darmen here on the boards.


    Once you get some build time under you ur belt your belt, you mat want to switch to CA glue (I used Gorilla glue) for things like cover strips since there is no wait time.

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  10. Thanks! Glad to be a part of it!


    Sounds like we're doing the exact same thing then! I'm hoping it does.



    While we're at it, anyone have any recommendations for a place to get under shirts / pants? Planning on using TK Boots for the boots, anyone got any ideas? Thanks!

    Welcome to the AM 2.0 club! Mine was my first build as well. The first cut is the hardest, but once you get going it gets easier.


    I bought the under shirt and pants from Academy sports, because their generic brand has black stitching. I bought my boots from Imperial Boots.


    I followed ukwrath and Navajo bros build threads as well as watching videos from the YouTube channel "Armor Building with TK1636".


    As everyone else has mentioned, get all of your supplies ahead of time. Buy more clamps and rare earth magnets than you think you need and it will speed up your build.


    Have fun!

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  11. 98F6668E-7952-4DC5-B8A1-007F9C7B42C0_zps


    After a bit more research, I think I put the snaps on the wrong part of the butt. Should I trim off the part sticking out and attach the snaps to the curved part of the butt? I was following an AM 2.0 build which shows it the first way, but then found an EIB submission thread where it's commented to remove that part.

    I followed Navajo Bro's build thread here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/32531-navajo-bros-am-20-stunt-build/

  12. Progress so far. Have to do final fits on everything but am trying to get the big stuff done first. The only items I still need are the TD clips and a voice changer/amplifier. I have been toying with the voice changer from the Disney 1st order helmet, but I get a lot of feedback when hooking it up to an amplified speaker. The helmet itself is already done, minus communications.


    One question I have for AM 2.0 builders is about the shoulders. They seem huge and I assume I'll have to trim them, I'm just curious about anyone else's experience with them.









    The shoulder bells do feel deeper. I'm 6'5, so barely did any trimming on them; however, I've contemplated going back and trimming some off of them.

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