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Posts posted by bobcat_justin

  1. They are using pictures of the anovos helmet, and pictures from the guy selling armor on the rpf fprum, hes lying by showing others pictures uless you wanna get ripped off stay far away from anything on etsy.

    I was looking at sheperten design studios original stormtrooper armor the battle spec version do you think it's 501st worthy? I know they don't ship to the us but lucky for me my parents live in Japan atm so I could send it to them then have them send it to me.


    Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

  2. Hey I'm new here to the site well not really new but just never really posted anything before. But due to a series of events that happend to me here in the army I have had the worst time of my life. To start I got scamed 1500 usd when selling my gaining laptop on ebay so I could buy armor. I went to every lane possible to try to resolve the issue but in the end the ny state police said It was a lost case. I go to my Co workers house party because she just got married at about 1130 at night after coming back from a haunted house with my battle buddy and his wife. So I'm at this party I'm 21 I drink she's the only one from my unit I know the rest of the people there where strangers to me, but I sleep on their living room couch at about 3am the MPs are there shining a flashlight in my face to wake me up. I explained that I was invited and stayed only because I didn't want to drive my car back to my barricks and risk a dui duh. The MPs then began to question if I provided them the booze for the party they had going on, first off I had 45 cents in my bank account and a recite from the haunted house I came from. They tried so hard to charge me with something but in the end comes to find out it was a domestic violence call between my Co wokers and her god awful shucksy dunk woman beating husband. Tubs out him and his friends tried to say I started the party and got them the drinks. Like wtf but of corse thank god it could not be proven because there was no evidence at all and the fact that I didn't to any thing wrong that night. Now this is where it gets really stupid so my mother has cancer and I am unable to see her due to my work and a possible upcoming deployment so I have not been able to sleep at night. Like no sleep at all for 3 days in a row because my head is just filled with regret and I'm worried for my mom. I go to my battlebubbdys house explain everything to him and he let's me come over anytime I want so I'm not feeling alone. I take him up on his offer after all we are best friends at this point we did basic and ait togeather and now we are both here at Fort drum. So staying at his house only entertains me really I still can't go to sleep that being said I'm up for about 48 hours now at this point and I need to go back to my barricks. I didn't want to stay at their house for to long of a time I wanted to give them their privacy. So I stop by the px food Cort get dinner and a coffee and I sit it my car and just doze off thinking about a buck of different things and I wake up again. So right when I'm about to pull out of the parking lot you guessed it I hit someone as in their pickup truck a Ford f150 red. The damage was so minor though only a scratch on his paint and the same with mine so we don't even bother to trade information. But the MPs that arive claim that I was not making any sense of my words and that I seemed to be drunk. So they took me to the er the whole 9 yards blood draw and all, but yet still no evidence because I never did anything in the first place. My test came up negative but the MPS and the commander of my company both have reason to believe I was dwi so I can't go off post or drive my own car. I don't even have my keys, they say until the MPs get a blood test back from ny state police they can't do anything and that's going to take 6 to 9 months. All this load of crap and now I have to see asap because the army thinks I'm an drunk I go to pointless meetings while they are threatening to kick me out of the army. But in the meetings they said hey cose a hobby to get your mind off my "addiction" but I already know what I want to do. I want to join the 501st and help others like they do never in my life have I felt so alone or abandoned by my chain of command here at Fort drum. So I am seeking to join the 501st to get my mind off all this crap but I need armor. I know what you're thinking this is a scam or some made up crap but it's not its the full on truth I Justin Thomas Marling will stand by these words. I'm asking for anyone's help to get me 501st a proved armor I am willing to pay my tax returns come soon I'm sure we can work something out so please if you can make armor and you have some to spare sell it to me because I need to be in the 501st like time now.


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  3. Thanks for the information Scott and Ian! I like your e-11 build thread Ian and will probably reference it during my build a lot :) . The front sight on my kit looks about like yours did....


    OK...well I have given it some thought...and I think I have narrowed it down to two options.

    1. I have come up with and idea of welding a small threaded rod to the inside of the stocks swivel piece. I will then drill a new hole in the receiver where I can then epoxy/jb weld/ other form of adhesive and screw it down on the inside with a nut or washer (Easier and lazy way...).


    2. My other option is to like I think Scott was saying to fabricate a new swivel out of aluminum and melting brazing that to the aluminum receiver.


    3. ....mill out a steel receiver... (I want to do a full steel sterling in the near future, but not today)


    I think I am going to give option #2 a shot first. I am going to have to go shopping for a piece of aluminum rod for the donor. Drill it out then cut to fit. I am holding off on building much else until I figure out how I want to attach the stock....because if I weld I don't want to melt the resin as aluminum transfers heat fast! ;)


    Thanks again troopers! :duim:


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  4. I am looking for a set of 501st approved stormtrooper armor, it has always been a dream of mine to own a set to show off at events. And with the new movie coming out I want it even more than ever please if anyone could sell me a set used or crafted I would be very grateful. And time is something I don't have much of with me having to deploy to Afghanistan in mid December. So if anyone could get back to me ASAP with a price it would be very much appreciated. Thank you


    Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

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