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Posts posted by Ein

  1. I haven't seen any of the threads I follow with our kit having to boil anything but I myself have had to trim and sand most pieces a lot .


    Not sure if you've seen Navajo Bro's building thread but he has the 2.0 AM armor and breaks down things into details and has lots of pictures. I look to double check my work with his. I also look at other builds with the 2.0 AM kit to see all the different options. I find if when I am assembling some pieces to only look at the 2.0 AM threads,


    This is that thread: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/32531-navajo-bros-am-20-stunt-build/


    Also, as per your concern with the ab/kidney not joining. This guy's thread shows how he added shims. In case you want to check it out, http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/31648-arent-you-a-little-fatshort-for-a-storm-trooper-rt-mod/


    Happy Building!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement and suggestions!


    I ended up messaging someone on here that same night because I am impatient :) They had the same issue with their helmet on their thread so figured they'll have some great pointers. I just kept thinking about it when I was laying in bed and got up to fix it lol. They look so much better. I have done a lot more work but need to post more pics. During the week I get home so late I just go straight to the armor when I put my son to sleep and then pretty much knock out.


    Will post more progress pics soon.

  3. Alright I need some guidance please. I have had a rough day with the ears on the helmet. I have searched for every thread I could on here in regards to helmets. I know gaps are normal just like the movie but is the helmet supposed to be angled? Like it's not straight and I've been stuck on this all day. I took pics and would really appreciate your input.













  4. I took today off and finished working on the forearms along with the biceps. I measured everything on me 2 times, cut, sand, measured and then glued. I went with Zap a Gap with the Kicker like Trooperbays gluing method in his videos. I tripled check my work before gluing anything.


    Edit: I used the dremel and oscillating multi tool for sanding. with 240 grist. Made everything much easier.


    First I measured and made lines where to score.




    I scored and tried to make clean lines before snapping off.








    After every cut, I sanded and measure again. Always double checking my work




    I made the shims 15mm and measure the ends and middle section for accuracy. Then glued them on again using trooperbays's gluing method with zap a gap. 






    Here they are done






    I did these same steps with the biceps and finished them off today as well.







    Tomorrow I'll either start on the helmet or maybe my calves. 

  5. You guys are lucky. I got my box yesterday as well but I only had enough time to open it and look before I had to go back to work. Won't even be able to start until Friday good luck to you both!




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    Have you been able to start? I took the day off today and been building since the morning. Need to update with pictures later.


    Good luck on your build!

  6. When I unpacked everything and laid it out, I was pacing all over the place. It was extremely intimidating. I have never used an exacto blade or scored anything before tonight. I had to google and research what you all meant by snaps, rivets, etc.I have read threads and googled how to build TK armor everyday (not exaggerating) for about the last 3 months. Still, after all this when I looked at the armor I felt discouraged because it was overwhelming to take it all in. I felt like a made a big mistake. I walked away played some Portal 2, cleared my head and then went back to my armor.


    I got the forearms and made lines on the wrist part and scored. I scored for along time because I was afraid of cracking the armor when I tried to snap of the bottom part with my pliers. 




    Success! I know it's a very small step but it feels like a big accomplishment.



    I hyped myself up way to much. I'm building this alone and need to learn to have more patience. If I get through this and finish this build, anyone can, believe me. 


    I am going to call it a night and use the drimmel I got tomorrow on the edges. 

  7. Finally able to start a thread here and I am very excited!


    I've been wanting to join 501st for a few years but everytime I was close in buying a TK kit something would come up. A few months ago it was all I could think of so I was determined and just went for it. I have been lurking here reading building threads, looking at pics and taking notes on all of your suggestions. I ordered my AM 2.0 armor and today, it finally arrived. I took the day off and just sat by the living room window waiting. Never been happier to see a UPS truck.


    I bought supplies, boots, undersuit and just about everything I have seen the pros mentioning one should get in other threads. I have watched trooperbay videos just about everyday for basic concept but took notes on using e6000 glue among other things instead as per what I've read here. This is the first time I build anything so I wanted to research as much as I can including on how to use some of the tools I need. 


    I am starting tonight with the forearms. I'll try to post pictures and update the thread as much as I can. Please let me know if you see anything that seems off or think I could do it better. 


    EDIT: Unboxed the armor and laid out most of the stuff. I don't have a dedicated work station so I'll be working on the build in my living room. 



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