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Posts posted by TrooperKerry

  1. I'm still working on my FX bucket ( I know it's a dirty word :P ) I just trimmed the ear pieces down since I thought they were way too big, if nothing else my FX will be different from everyone elses! :D


    But I plan on using the foam padding, as I want it to fit more along the lines of a motorcycle helmet (firm and in place) although this is my personal preference.


    So until such time, as I upgrade......................I will be comfortable!

  2. Hey Lisa


    I am still building my armor, but I used E6000 on all of it (couldn't find actual abs cement, and those tthat carried it were out)


    After I glue I clamp for 24hrs, it seems to hold well after an hr, but I felt more comfortable waiting the 24hrs.


    Thus far I haven't had any problems with it holding (but I admit I haven't trooped in it yet either)


    And as you said, if it gets a little out of control, it cleans up with a little elbow greas! :blink:

  3. Greetings Jay,


    I was in the same boat, and the general population told me that snaps were the most common. I have been working on mine for about 4 weeks now, and I keep trying different things ( I personally dry fit, then hot glue to make sure it's how I want it, and then permanantly glue it down. :blink:


    It seems like alot of work, but at least it will fit the way I want it when it's finally done! ( And I want to get clone armor next, and I have seen many warnings, that it's more difficult than TK )


    I'm shooting for having it ready for my first troop (official or not) at VisionCon in Jan.


    Good Luck in your build, maybe see you at a troop someday!

  4. Well I have done 2 different things...............if I don't want to say, and they act such as the associate not wanting to sell the velcro..............I turn look at them, and simply ask? Do you or do you not have it, and do you work on commission? If so I am happy to give the sale to another associate. Or ask for the manager :D


    I have also said it's for 501st Legion TK Armor..................when they ask, I tell them it's a Star Wars Costuming group that raises monies for charity!

    Ususally they are very interested, and ask questions.


    And I'm not even official yet :blink:

  5. I'm a bit tall for a Stormtrooper :blink:


    So what I have done is glue the front seams, and added velcro and shims in the back. As I have been on work comp since March I am hoping that after surgery, I will lose the extra weight I have gained.


    I have seen that some people will glue the thighs all the way around, as you can step into them, but I think more than anything, its what you are comfortable with. I too used E-6000 and thus far havent had issues.


    My 2cents worth.



    By order of the Empire, We have had a "hostile take over" :blink:


    We now are one and the same with the First Galactic Empire


    Any negative atitude about this take over can be relayed to Lord Vader's liason


    Can't miss him, we all know what a StormTrooper looks like.


    He will take your comments and then show you the business end of his Blaster.


    Positive atitude will be rewarded with enlistment into the Impirial Navy. :D

  7. Howdy All...........


    I have an issue, and I can't be the only person this has happened too so I am seeking advice.


    My thighs are bigger around than the armor (FX) ( I'm 6'3" and 249#)


    If I place the 2 pieces of the thigh side by side, rather than overlapping, they will go around my leg. I can then take the extra ABS that came with the kit and make one single stip that would cover both halves. This however would put a 2 1/2 - 3" seam on the front of the armor. The rest seems to be okay, although I may have to make an extension for the calves too, but I can do that in the back I spose.


    Would that front seam be out of proportion/awkward looking? Any suggestions?????

  8. Welcome to the FISD!


    Although I am fairly new here myself, I am also going through the "experience" of FX armor.


    The threads and tutorials are VERY HELPFUL!


    But a little on my experience...................the "face" of my bucket was extra wide from when it was pulled from the mold, and it was obvious from the top of the bucket that it would have to be brought in to even come close to being the same size as the top.


    This was the suggestion I got from my home forum 70th Explorers Garrison:


    I boiled some water in a pot and then submerged the middle part of the face in the water ( remember not to let it touch the bottom of the pot) to heat it up and make it more pliable. Once the ABS was nice and hot I carefully bent it closer to the required size with even pressure on both sides. I then secured it with a belt (with a towel over the ABS to prevent scratching) to hold it in the new slimmer shape. Once it cooled down the new shape held. Even with this reshaping there was a gap right between the eyes..............so I decided that I am going to shoot a rivet in the center of the brow as this will be covered by the brow trim, and won't be seen.


    This treatment can also be done to help give the theighs a rounder shape verses the "heart" shape they tend to take naturally from the molds.


    My experience with it to get me by until such time that I can upgrade the bucket to a more accurate size.


    GOOD LUCK with your build!

  9. Howdy Phil,


    You've gotten tons of good advice from everyone, and I might point out that everyone that has responded "like wearing plastic armor", so obviously your NOT alone! :D


    I , like most grew up with Star Wars ( I don't even remember how many times I made my dad take me to the drive in to see ANH) .


    But in jr high I wasn't all that popular, I didn't play sports and girls wouldn't give me the time of day. High School came around and my mother and step father moved me to a small town about 45 min from Wichita. ( For reference....Wichita is the largest city in Kansas......the majority of KC is on the MO side, to a small farming community that didn't even have a McDonalds till my Senoir year) It was culture shock to say the least, but on top of that, I have had a full beard since 8th grade, and all the guys in Wellington were baby faced. So what this did was allienate me even more...........the rumor started going around that I was an undercover cop sent there to bust all their druggies. ( Too much 21 Jump Street if you ask me) And therefore I had exactly 2 friends for my jr and senior year of HS. But besides finding the rumor rediculously funny, I think it made me a better person for the very reason of NOT FITTING IN. I made my own decisions, and ended up like several of the responses above, not really caring what anyone thought. It makes you stronger, not physically but mentally.


    I didn't go to college until I was 23...........got my EMT and then straight into MICT/Paramedic school and have worked in medical ever since till about a yr ago. And I started my own business that has nothing to do with medical!


    It was either on here or on the 70th Explorers Garrison forum, that it was observed that the average age for most people building armor and joining was around 30-35 ( I think this is mostly since thats when we can afford this hobby) And with all the charity work, smiles that get put on both children and adult's faces................This hobby serves two fold.............we get to be Star Wars characters, and we do something for the communities.


    Yes stay grounded, but also don't be afraid to be different!!!! It's those that are different that keep the world an interesting place! :D

    Bill Gates is probably the biggest "nerd" that would fit the the meaning....................well look what he has done! ( okay XP was great, Im not a fan of Vista) :blink: But do ya really think he cares what the people in HS think of him? My guess would be a big NO


    And remember the 501st Legion is WORLDWIDE....................so your FAR FAR from being alone and different!

  10. Well...............I did get my kit from him, always had good communication and arrived a week after shipped.


    Is it perfect?, I cant say, but everything was there and as it has been said on here, there are plenty of people that can help us fix it!


    It's a good starter, so thats the way I look at it......................so I guess thats where I stand :D


    I got mine for just under $400.00


    And everytime I looked for other FX kits, I couldnt find them.....................now I have seen plenty for sale in different forums :blink:


    Its a start and I'm sure you guys will give suggestions on how to tweak it!

  11. I posted this here, since Im still building armor and not official :(


    My digital camera takes pics the size of a drive in movie screen :blink: so I made a myspace page up for my "alter ego" and have some of the pics on there, and will continue to add them as I progress.


    Open invitation to all on myspace that want to add www.myspace.com/KS_Stormtrooper


    I've sent a few adds to the 70th Explorers Garrison and a couple people I recognized from there, but I welcome all. We are all just One Big Happy Imperial Family right? :D

  12. Hello All!


    I am gonna chime in here as a newbie, ........I bought an FX kit so in some ways this fits the subject. For my size the armor itself is the best fit @ 6'3" and approx 250lbs. But I know that the FX bucket isn't really favored due to the "bobble head" look.


    BUT........it's a start! And if nothing else it's good practice before spending money on a better but more expensive bucket!


    And ANY trooper that is or has been deployed in a war zone, has my support 100%


    Now with that said, this is a learning experience, and as has been said in here several times......."WE ALL STARTED SOMEWHERE"


    Suggestions are always welcome, and I know as a newbie I have ALOT to learn myself..................and really everyone here and in my home forum of 70th Explorers Garrison have been very supportive. But I can say if everyone dogged my armor without any positive reinforcement, I would have put it in a box and been done with it. And really that is pretty sad, this is a place for everyone to LEARN about , and improve the armor.


    As you remember from my introduction, I spent 4 yrs looking and drooling over armor, and even after I made the purchase, it's a very intimidating thing to do. (Remember your first kit?)


    For me it's even more difficult, I know of only one other Trooper in Wichita, and thats by his rep. And I think that he is currently deployed overseas, so I am doing my kit by the instructions, pics and tutorials and by asking for suggestions. Some are lucky enough to have several others local to them for help, but not everyone is in that situation.


    For those two guys with Rubies, just take the positive advice, and do what is good for you and your situation.

    Either way you go..........either by selling it off and starting fresh OR taking on the challenge of modifications, the majority here can give you GREAT advice and are very helpful!


    And if I offended those that were strictly negative in response, I apologize, but I ask you to look back at your first days, your first kit and remember how you felt the intimidation!


    GOOD LUCK guys with your armor and stay positive, don't let the negative make you give up!

  13. Welcome Derrick!


    The wait sucks, even when they do communicate and tell you about hold times! I have been there VERY recently!


    Like the guys posted before, paypal can reimburse you if need be.


    Hopefully its on its way or stuck in customs (if you bought from overseas)


    Good Luck to you!

  14. Welcome!


    I am fairly new to the group myself, bought the TK armor. I haven't done any type of model making since I was in grade school (lets just say it was a long time ago) And when I first got the kit, I was a bit daunted to say the least..............but with all the tips and tutorials that are provided on this site, I know that if I take my time and read.... read.... read...that it's going to be okay!


    And that if I have questions, there is pleany of help on here and everyone is willing to help!


    Good Luck with your armor search!

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