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Posts posted by TheCanuck37

  1. I've played the beta since it was available on the XBox One.  It's a fine casual shooter to just have fun in.  I can see Battlefield 4 types being hard on the game for being non-technical and people not PTFO. It's really a fastest trigger/best aim game.  One match I'll go 30-6, the next 8-25.  It's good, chaotic fun. :)


    I'll definitely be getting the full retail version.


    And as for Walker Assault.  In the Alpha, the walkers were super brittle. Rebels almost always dominated.  I like the changes, because really the Rebels should almost always lose there.  It takes a heroic effort by the whole side to win.  I've been in some of those Rebel wins...it's pretty cool to see that last AT-AT go down.

  2. So it's going to take some extra work.  The previous owner used ABS glue, and didn't do a good job of clamping or something.  Lots of open seams along the shins.  Most of the glue joints didn't hold, so I was able to separate them, and prep them for regluing.  The worrysome ones are where the seal is good, but lots of glue leaked out, and it's a yellowish color.  Overall, it's not terrible, but will be a bit more work than originally anticipated.  But that's half the fun, right?  ;)


    Anyone have tips on how to clean that up, or am I looking at sanding and polishing?

  3. Finally received my armor! (it was a rare good eBay sale that I confirmed was legit first)




    There are some things I need to clean up, but looks like a lot of the hard work has been done.  Just need to get straps and assemble certain parts.


    I *love* the helmet, sskunky!

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  4. Hello, 


    Recently joined here as well as Cloud City Garrison.  Looking forward to getting going on my trooper armour.  Been dreaming about being a trooper since 1977 (I was four, and Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw in a theatre).  Finally getting around to making that happen.


    I look forward to getting to know people here and all the help and advice that can be offered.  I've already been reading a lot...this is such a great resource!

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