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Posts posted by 3mandos

  1. So I recently got the Disney E-11 and wanted to make it a little more accurate but all I could find was information on the Hasbro blasters.


    Are there Conversion Kits available for the Disney blaster? Or are the sizes the same that a Hasbro kit would work as well?


    Also... if that is the case, are there any other suppliers than Droopydoos? They seem to be out of stock on a lot of items (guess it's because of everyone like me getting their Anovos armor in the mail).

  2. Hello, my name is Brian and I live in the South Shore of Massachusetts. I started recently with a custom Mandalorian build and will be joining the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club. However, Anovos recently did their Stormtrooper kit pre-order and I convinced my parents to get it for me for a birthday & Christmas gift. I pointed to the 501st and the charity events as a selling point for my mom. I can't wait to get it and finish the kit, buy a blaster and boots, and join up!

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