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Posts posted by Treyaxis

  1. Hello FISD


    I have posted 2 other threads about this, but wanted to make another one.


    I tried to ABS paste my thighs last night from my TE kit with Mods, and it just didnt work, it came out horrible.


    So i have come to the conclusion that I need a bigger set of thigh armor.


    I have contacted the so called guy who makes AM 2.0 Gear, via e-mail, via facebook and no reply, zip, zilch, nada.


    So I need your help. I need to get a bigger set of thighs whether it be FX, RT, or AM 2.0. Whichever is biggest. 


    If anyone could help out, it would be wonderful. I have money sitting in paypal ready to go, I just need someone to sell them to me.


    I hope anyone can help


    Thank you!

  2. Hello! <br><br>

    I have a question about back armor for approval accuracy. I am doing the snap method with elastic to piece together my TK set, i tried on my buddies, hes about 7" and im about 6'2", when I put on his back armor (back plate, kidney, butt) his 3 pieces are all close together because he's shorter than I am, so I was wondering I know the kidney plate and butt plate have to almost be right on top of each other, but my question is can the back plate be as far away from the kidney plate as needed to fit taller guys? Please let me know!

  3. The crappy thing is, I already bought a TE Kit, have it already cut out and the bucket is pretty much finished, So i feel like im gonna have to make this one work.


    Hey Isaac, I actually just moved to Arizona, I went to a 501st meeting at the fired pie not too long ago, I bought my armor kit from Tristan, Jeff is going to help me with my armor build, if it can be done with a TE, I am looking to join the Dune Sea Garrison when my kit is all finished.

  4. Hello!


    I am new to the community, and I am looking for some testimonials kinda/sorta.


    I am building a TK Armor set for myself and have a couple questions/concerns.


    I am about 6'2" 250-260lbs, I have a rather larger butt and hips than most guys.


    Are there any guys out there that are successfully trooping at this moment that have the same type of body style as me, or maybe even bigger that have successfully built and are wearing a TK suit? If you are, please post pictures of you in the suit, I would love to see to give me some confidence that im not building this suit for nothing.



  5. Hello folks of White Armor! My name is Trey and I just moved to Mesa, AZ from Orange County Ca. I learned of the 501st from my brother and I since then bought and am currently building my tk armor. Just wanted to say hello and I welcome any input on build help. Thank you all!

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