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Posts posted by beerman667

  1. For all the folks with hardhat liners: I sweat. A LOT! One of the best products out there for this is called Terry Toppers. There are several manufacturers using similar names. It's a terry cloth sweatband that fits around the vinyl cr@p on the front of the liner. If you have problems with the sweatband after a couple of hours trooping, give these a shot.



  2. Stormtrooper1697 said:
    I tend to get hot under my helmet, so I cut out the slits on the top back of the helmet with a dremmel and a file. It Gives the hot air somewhere to go, especially if you add a fan to it. A lot of my garrison are kind of suprised when they notice it.

    I liked this idea, so I gave it a shot. In a ddition to the traps in the back, I also did the teardrops. I have done 2 troops, both inside and outside with minimal fogging and no fans installed. What do y'all think?










    Yeah, I know the masking tape adds a lot to the internal look! :blink:







  3. Sorry for the long wait, but I think I am close. I got my butt kicked though on the tines.


    I made a set out of metal, but I cant for the life of me get them to stay. So I went the plastic route, and they stay. I am still working on a metal set.


    I would like to send this prototype out, for someone to mold. I think it would be better out of resin or something, for I cannot mass produce. I am willing to give up a "molder" for the cause.


    I would post pics, but I cant, camera is OOC. Ill get them up when I get home to Japan.


    Should me about two weeks.


    Thanks for waiting guys, I hope i pulled it off... B)


    Sweet! Can't wait to see it. I would definitely be interested in buying one.

  4. 1. Closed sides: if you look at ANH, both sides of the armor are fully closed. Haven't watched ESB or ROTJ in awhile but can't confirm - if you can find a screen shot of open sides in either film I'll be interested in seeing it.


    2. Rivets: FWIW, I'm using rivets on my costume now, and looking at about 180 sets of armor here at the TOR it seems that this is not an uncommon option. So I'd not sweat it for now - tons of guys (and gals) are using them. That said, I know several people wokring on good tutorials of how to rig shoulder straps using equally solid alternative means, that don't involve riveting. Basically what seems to be gelling is using strapping material to connect the front and back structurally, leaving the plastic moulded pieces as decoration only.



    If someone put a good tutorial out on how to do that, I would definitely think about switching. What do they use, thick webbing for the straps?

  5. Thanks Don. The pics are of me though (Bryan not Steve) :P I appreciate all the comments. I understand what Steve said about the rivets, but at the time I did them, I wasnt thinking about total accuracy, I was worried about strength and figured the rivets would hold up better. But luckily they did not keep me from getting my ID today. Woo Hoo! :lol:

  6. I definitely see y'alls point about the bucket size. :blink: I am excited, cause I was able to buy a ROM/FX and just waiting for it to come. I am hoping that, with my width, the FX bucket wont look too huge, but if so<shrug> I will just have to upgrade to a better looking one. Luckily, I have a decent job where money isnt as hard to get a hold of. Of course, some time off to be able to spend it would be nice :angry:

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