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Posts posted by DDurbin95

  1. Been looking into Blaster options and I've seen three that I like so far: The Hasbro Blaster with Doopydoos conversion; The Hyperfirm, and then there's Pablo's BlasterCore E-11
    I love how Pablo did his blaster but for someone new to the who building armor/blaster scene what would be the recommended route?

    I also have a question regarding boots. I have an extremely large foot size. I wear 15 4E US. I looked on Imperialboots.com and the largest they have is a 12. And the TKboots.com stated they do not yet currently have wide sizes. Any help/advice on where to look for some suitable TK boots?
    (Edit) I found these online http://www.shoebuy.com/dunham-graham-dun-chelsea-…/…/1567526 Would these qualify for 501st Centurion status?

  2. Hey all, I ordered my ANOVOS Stormtrooper Kit back in May last year and it finally arrived. Originally I was going to try a ANH Hero but after opening the box and seeing the helmet it looks like the Stunt will be easier. I've been doing research for the past few months on what might work and what wouldn't, along with prices for other necessary parts. That said I have a few questions regarding what I've found. 


    Boots: Would these work? http://www.imperialboots.com/product/421/ 


    E-11: I think this is the right model but I'm not 100% sure. http://www.hasbro.com/en-us/product/star-wars-stormtrooper-blaster:7E8B302A-5056-9000-6D25-5550DF92633D   If it is, then a  Doopy Doos mod is what I'll need correct? 


    Finally for the helmet, I found this video online and was wondering if it would be ok to copy/would it be wise to do. 

    I also found these: http://store.voicebooster.com/icomm-imperial-communication-system/  Thoughts/Opinions on this method? 



    As for the actual kit, I still have it in the box as my dad and I will be working on it this upcoming weekend. I already printed out the official Anovos manuel, as well as the guidelines from the databank. 


    This is my first build so Im kind of nervous and I just want to make sure I have everything right. As I work on the kit I'll be sure to post updates and pictures. 

  3. I emailed them and he said he had someone order a pair before but they were too big. He made a multi personal email and included the guy who had ordered them. I'm waiting for that guy to respond to the email currently. Here's the email I got.



    Hi Devon,


    I put Chris here CC. He got a TK size 15 last month but too big for his feet. Maybe they could suit you perfectly.


    Chris, could you help me to liaise with this gentleman, thank you.:-)



  4. I'm searching for a TK boot source. I wear a 15 4E US shoe size (yes i know, i have big feet lol). 


    I've already contacted http://www.tkboots.com/ and they said that their sizes probably wont come that wide. I've also checked my local shops and couldn't find the right brand or size.


    My question then is: where else can i go to find a set of suitable TK boots? 

  5. Hello,

     Little bit about myself: I'm currently studying at LLC for Criminal Justice, and i plan to attend WIU after i graduate LLC with a bachelors.  I've been wanting to join the 501st for a while. I grew up on Star Wars, parents took me to see The Phantom Menace when i was 4 back in 1999. This past year I finally decided I wanted to join. I'm wanting to become a TK. I've already gotten with my garrison (Midwest Garrison)  both on the website and on Facebook. I've gotten alot of great feedback and tips from them. This past weekend i pre-ordered the Anovos Stormtrooper kit. I'm aware it will not be made 501st approved straight out of the box, and that it will require work put into it. However, I've also ran into a problem. I wear a size 14 4E shoe size and i cant find a place online that would sell  TK approved boots. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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