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Posts posted by ender9492

  1. For those of you who have positive comments and are accepting of the redesigned OT TKs, and even like them, kudos; carry on.

    For the rest of you complaining, good grief! Get off your high horse.

    These new suits are clearly meant to be the same Stormtroopers as the OT ones (which were undoubtedly meant to all be identical, regardless of the differences), and the idealized design changes and mobility additions are definitely for the better! These Stormtroopers look like they belong to the Imperial military machine, with combat in mind, and not some hand-made ragtag bunch of extras in plastic suits attempting to play "space man." Military organizations equip their troops with machine-made, CAD-designed, rugged and mobile equipment, not lumpy, asymmetrical, lopsided garbage.
    At least they aren't a complete departure from the recognizable design (like the TFA troopers are), and actually resemble a standard Imperial stormtrooper. As some of you have pointed out, 99% of the population won't care about differences in a belt, rivets, screws, colors, materials, or whatever other trivial and insignificant differences there are between these suits and the ANH suits.
    I've worn my TK armor once, for a Halloween party. It sucked. It was hot, uncomfortable, and I could even sit down or bend over/squat to pick something up. Most of you guys (and gals) wear these things for hours on end, and I've seen how many of you complain about how uncomfortable it is, or how you can't hardly move or sit in the armor, etc. I feel your pain to a lesser extent, and I for one welcome the design changes that make the armor more practical, comfortable, and more professional looking, while still (for all intents and purposes) appearing like the Imperial Stormtroopers we all know and love! You all should embrace the improvements too!

    Once better references are available, I will be making modifications to my armor post haste!

    • Like 10
  2. So this is probably not the right thread for this, but since you all are talking about it anyway...


    Here's a crazy idea: how about overhauling the entire designation system to something that logically makes sense and is garrison based, instead of costume based? Every new member would still receive a chronological, numerically based designation, but they'd have alphabetical designations to identify which detachment and garrison they're with. 

    Bear with me here...


    For example, John Doe just signed up for the 501st, so he would receive the next available numerical designation of "12345" since he's the 12,345th person to join. Now, because he lives in Brazil, and within the boundaries of the Brazilian Division Garrison, he'd receive the prefix of "BZ." Since he's wanting to be a Snowtrooper, he'll receive the alpha-numeric suffix of "T3" (where T is for Trooper, and 3 is for the Snowtrooper variant). So when all is said and done, John Doe's daily designation would be "BZ-12345 (T3)." For daily trooping use, he could just go by "BZ-12345" or if we really wanted to keep it more in line with the movies, just use the last 4 digits and go by "BZ-2345." Chances of another "BZ-2345" ever existing are astronomically slim. Oh, and as for heritage troopers with only a three number designation, they'll get to keep those.


    What about outposts? Well, same rules apply.
    Jane Doe from Romania wants to be a Dark Side Force user, so she'll receive the designation "RNO-12346 (D2)," where "RNO" represents the Romanian Outpost, and "D2" represents Dark Side users.


    Basically, all Garrisons would get a two character alphabetic designation, whereas Outposts get a three character one. And the T=Trooper and D=Dark Sider thing is just a placeholder. I think it'd make more sense if the costumes were reworked to be associated with A, B, C, D, etc, so that you can have Trooper equal something like "A," since Troopers were the first costume to be inducted, and any trooper variant would be a derivative, such as A1, A2, A3, etc.


    Hope that all kinda makes sense. It'd be a pain to iron out all the details, yes, and I'm sure a lot of the older folks will be resistant to change, but it'd be a far more logical system for the designations, and would keep the "TK" envy at bay. It would also help set up for the future in that any new costumes would just be given an alpha-numeric designation, and put into a categorical subset, depending on what they are.


    Thoughts? Hope that all kinda makes sense.

  3. Hi. New here. Long time lurker; first time poster.<br>

    Not sure if this is where it goes, but apparently Finn's trooper designator is FN-2187.<br>

    Does that mean all the FO troopers will get a prefix of "FN" (like how "TK" was used for the OT troopers)?<br>

    Again, wasn't sure if this is CRL related or not, so sorry if this post is in the wrong thread.

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