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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Themarko

  1. I've been looking at the back and front reference photos and it has brought up another question. On my armor the front and back plates have an overlap on the bottom part where they curve around my body. But it looks like that at least for the back plate that's not correct, most of that part that curves forward under the arm doesn't need to be there.. The chest plate does have some of that but perhaps not as much as I have right now. So is it okay to trim those pieces back some? That overlap is a bit unsightly.


    Thanks again for all the help.



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  2. Okay, I went back and looked at some of the reference photos for the back area, not a lot to go on. It looks to me though that I should trim some of the shoulder strap area to make the back plate ride higher on me. That'll reduce the gap under my arms and allow the kidney plate to be wider. I think it still needs trimmed down though.


    Does that seem right to you guys?



  3. Bet it felt great to get out there and do some trooping!  Congrats on getting that in! 

    You have some trimming to do though;  the back and kidney should be abutting;   it looks like you have quite a few inches of overlap.  You could bring the back/butt down maybe;  your belt is covering your butt in some of the side pics.  


    Thanks Tusken, it did feel good. Lots of fun as I'm sure you know. I'm joining them again this Saturday,


    Just to clarify for me so I don't make any costly mistakes, the parts marked A and B in this photo should abut instead of overlap? So I trim down part B? I assume that also means that there shouldn't be those portions part B showing under my arms either. I just went back and reread the CRL and seems clear but it never hurts to be sure.


    On the belt one of the snaps on my belt came unsnapped and the belt slipped down as I turned. I'm probably going to add a small piece of velcro to help keep it up.



  4. Okay I finished my new helmet. My local South Valley Squad let me attend one of their events in my armor and the Squad Leader told me he thought I was ready to submit my application and took these pics for me. He has several official Clone Armor costumes so he knows his stuff, but it seems to me that reason and protocol dictate that I should ask the experts here first. So here you go, please let me know what you think. It does seem to me that my shoulder bells sit a little to far back, but this was at the end of a long hot day.


    Thanks for any advice you can give me.








  5. Well Tolo, that is disappointing. I bought this armor from a 501st Clone trooper so I assumed he'd gotten the right kind. But he probably didn't know, or he's had it quite awhile and the standards changed. Oh well, my wife can't say no know that I've already spent a bunch of money can she :)


    Any advice on getting the right one? Which vendors are the best for a guy with a big head? best way to contact them?


    I'll just strip the electronics out of this one for the new one and use this as display somewhere cool. Maybe to impress my IT buddies at work.


    I didn't think the ammo boxes were in the right spot so thanks Piettlives for comfirming that.



  6. Well, it's about time I started getting the advice of the fine folks on here as I now have my armor and am working on the details to get official.


    I was invited to wear this armor for a recent parade and it fit pretty well and it was then offered to me at a good price so I bought it. I made a few changes to the thigh armor to help with the fit and wore it last Saturday at a local Star Wars Appreciation Day hosted by the local 501st guys, the same who asked me to the parade. I had a great time of course.


    Here's a pic of me at the event with my home built Han in Carbonite (the original parade invite was because they wanted my HIC in the parade ;-) )




    I know that I need to change the tube stripes to blue, that's in the works right now. I also need to cover the belt in canvas, that too is in the works. I've also added a strap to the thigh armor to make it ride a little higher.


    So I'm looking for advice on anything else that needs to be improved/changed. Also, I'm a bit confused between the Stunt/Hero differences so help on that would be appreciated.


    Also, I have the bubble lenses that I could use instead for the helmet, does that make any difference, is one style better than the other?


    And yes, I know the blaster is not canon, it was borrowed for the day. I have another at home ready to be painted now.


    Thanks for any advice.



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