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Posts posted by Teags

  1. Okay, I have been naughty and not really kept up to date with taking photos during the build process.

    Been following everyone elses step by step and not even doing my own! Urgh.



    I did my first test fitting the other day. 


    Please note.

    • Shoulder straps are not on in photo. I had trouble with the shape of them. We've had to heat them up and reshape so that they sit properly on me. I have a curved back naturally (spine issues) so they didn't sit on the back right. Gluing them on tonight so fingers crossed! Anyone else had this issue? Its fustrating.
    • Shoulder bells weren't attached the the biceps at the time, so hence sitting towards chest in photo.
    • Belt is not attached, still waiting for that to be finished - aka sand the boxes cause they are so damn annoying.
    • Thighs had slid down in image, still need to attach webbing to abdomen to hold them up.
    • Terrified to cut into the thighs to add the knees atm! I don't want to get it wrong. Would love more clear images of where to cut and best method to get the knees correct.


    Starting to paint the helmet tonight, so will make sure that I take photos!


    DLT-19 is sanded, prepped, just need to wait till a nice day to paint it. (currently raining on and off here) Also have an E-11 for back-up when my arms start breaking under the weight of the DLT.


    Hoping to have it all complete for my first (unofficial) troop in 3 weeks. Will then fine tune and get it ready to send to be approved.


    Most excited!


    Obligatory box and floor photos.

    ( excuse the dogs and the lady bug, these things apparently happen )












  2. All I would say is order the boots ASAP.

    He has so much business! :) and with the new E7 boots etc. ^.^ 

    Mine were shipped to Australia and have been in customs since the start of last month, and then with people saying they have run alot bigger - im worried! Trying to find an alternative this close to getting costume ready for a con is nail biting. :P

    But you have come well prepared and have everything ( as far as I can see ) on the list. 


    Oh and Kev is so fast at getting the armour out, its amazing. I got mine from the US to Australia and it took 8 days ( from ordering to receiving at my door! )

  3. Thanks for the warm welcome ^.^


    A relative-inlaw is also doing the build so its good to have someone else to do it with as well as plenty of local members around to help out.

    I think i've almost made my eyes bleed with reading so many forums and information over the last few weeks. =)

    Oh well. Its going to be worth it in the end.

  4. Hi all.

    Newbie here. >.<

    The name is Teaghan and I am from Perth Western Australia.


    I've been working and almost completed my Mara Jade costume, but though why not go all out and go big!

    So, as of yesterday im officially an owner of some of this White Armour everyone loves to wear.


    Im sure you all will be seeing alot from me in ways of advice over the next few months as I build my Fem Trooper armour through blood sweat, tears and even more tears. I've spent the last few weeks pouring over tutorials, thread and guides to building etc so I /hope/ im ready, if not I better get my act together ASAP!


    Im thoroughly excited for this adventure, and even more excited for the Fem Trooper armour. I was originally planning to build a Scout, but this then came along into production and it was no questions asked. I had to do it!


    Looking forward to intigrating into the community and chatting to you all in the future.




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