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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Photoboy

  1. Thanks Guys!!!  

    I knew you would all be so welcoming.  So again Thank you!!!



    I have been reading so many posts and threads the last few days.  Its a lot to take in.   So many options, so little time.  April is right around the corner.  And I am going to need time to get the armor approved, and membership approved of course all before Celebration VI.   But it is so going to be worth it.   


    I am pretty sure to know where I am going to have to pick up my gear from at this point. Yay!!!

  2. @ Dark CMF

    Maybe one of these days I can make it out there.  Obviously my traveling budget is going to be non existent after getting all this gear.



    @ R4zorbl4de


    Very cool.  Any Place I can check out your work?  I always love supporting other photographers.   I shoot mostly Concerts (punk, ska, rock, and Rockabilly).


    And thank you Both for the great welcome!  I wish I could have done this years ago, just never had the funds.  But there was no way on Earth I am not going to be a member by the time Celebration VI rolls around.

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you Andrew!!!


    I have known a few 501st members over the years and each one of them was always one of the coolest guys!! So I have no doubt the people here are beyond cool!!


    You never have to worry about photos from me..  I have been a pro photographer for close to a decade now, So once I get my Armor completed I am going to go to town!!!!!

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  4. Hello Everyone,


    I live in Las Vegas and have been wanting to get into the 501st for a long time.  Thankfully I finally have the resources to dedicate to assembling my very own TK armor.  With Celebration VII around the corner I wanted to one have quality Armor and two join people that have the same passion for Star Wars that I do.   I spend a lot of time doing Ren Faires, with my pirate guild, so being in character and interacting with people is always a lot of fun.   Just don't tell them that I would much rather be a trooper.. lol


    Long Live the Empire!!!


    And Thanx!!!


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