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Posts posted by Mesmerized9

  1. Hey my names matt! I have always wanted to join the 501st since I saw them at a convention years ago. I was in the military and was stationed in Georgia for a 3 years which is where I bought my first set of armor. I have actually never even attempted to assemble it since I was deploying a lot and let's be honest it seems REALLY overwhelming just looking at all the parts and the "what if" I break this or do that wrong etc.. So if you guys have any tips to help me try to finally put this suit together that would be amazing. I know there are videos and what not on how to do most of the stuff. But a lot of it still kind of intimidates me and I'm still a bit unsure on where exactly I'm supposed to actually connect and glue them together since most don't go up SUPER close to show. Thanks for any help you guys can provide!

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