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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by DaygoErm

  1. 3 minutes ago, stewi0001 said:

    yes is cheap than buying direct. The complete FO kit on the site is $2k+. At Disney it's $1800. If you are DVC or an Annual Passholder you get 20% off. So that takes it to about $1440. I believe the classic is $1100 because I remember my nephew looking at it.

    Wow!  That's great discounts

  2. On 8/9/2017 at 7:41 AM, stewi0001 said:


    That is correct and if I recall correctly that includes everything (hard and soft) for a complete set with no extras (meaning blasters, pauldrons, etc.)


    Do you know if they sell it at Disney Land? If so, which store? 

    Hey, so I went this weekend.  They do have a Disney Launch Bay there too.  Not all armor available.  But they can be requested and quoted.  But it's there!

  3. 15 minutes ago, stewi0001 said:


    That is correct and if I recall correctly that includes everything (hard and soft) for a complete set with no extras (meaning blasters, pauldrons, etc.)


    Do you know if they sell it at Disney Land? If so, which store? 

    I'm actually going there Saturday, I'll check.  Don't forget to ask me about it here after Saturday.  I might forget to respond.  Lol

  4. 1 hour ago, magni said:

    The first thing to do is hike everything up in the torso. Then you can raise your thighs a bit to give room. Are you wearing compression wear? Cause it looks baggy under your arms in a few spots. It's important to have that style rather then just a black shirt. Get some strapping together and see where your at. Good Luck with your adventure!

    Yes, that's next.  After looking at what I need to do, I'm surprised I'm almost done.  Felt like forever. Thanks!

  5. 18 minutes ago, djrue said:

    I replied to your email...


    You're getting there. First thing I notice is that your chest should overlap your abs. There should not be any visible gap there. You can also tuck your biceps under your shoulder bells slightly which will give you a bit more mobility in your arms. Is all of your strapping in place?


    As for your legs you could trim certain areas for comfort but keep in mind that you're not going to be easily bending down and picking up anything while wearing armor. Your left calve could be fixed by adding a larger cover strip to the back which would close the gap. However, the best way would be to either order a new calve or fuse a new piece of abs to make the calve larger. The latter is a little bit more complicated.



    Thanks for the tips!  I might just have to order a new one.  One thing when researching this, that's not really mentioned.  Is to test fit the calf over the boots too.  Awww man...

  6. Finally picked it up and started building it. I'm going for ANH EIB build. But this is what I have so far. I asked my kids to help me get this on. MAD RESPECT TO YOU ALL!!! It's tough getting it on, lol! Especially trying to bend down for those shins hahaha. I messed up on my left calve on the back, it's short. Any advice on fixing it? Also the back of thighs rub against my leg. Can I go shorter? I'm still working on all the straps too. Thanks for all your help! 








  7. You really need to try the armor on with an undersuit, it will change where it all sits. It does look like your thighs need to come up though.


    Sometimes foam is needed in the shins to stop them hitting the thighs, you will find out once you are little further along.


    Coming along well, keep up the good work

    Ok will do!



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