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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by TKDanYoung

  1. A bit late of an edit as well. When I built my first version (a TD pack) I had a second aker in the radio box playing radio chatter, so that way it came from my pack. My second Aker was in my chest for my speaking. I ran into an issue while using one Aker for both, that all the sound was coming from my pack, including my speech. I'd have to turn around for my handlers to hear me. Then to get the balance right between the chatter and my voice was difficult, so I opted for 2 akers. 

  2. Hey all!!

    Last year I got my HWT approved, unfortunately it was using a TD pack. SO I SOLD IT!!! It's gone now, and I just ordered all of my parts to begin a new build based on the Battlefront version.


    I'll be updating my progress here as parts come in, but it's a pleasure to be back and get the armor back in action. I've been rocking Chewbacca since late last year and I am excited to get my HWT back up to snuff for summer!

  3. For Level 2/3 lightly scuffed and battle worn is required. I mean, I have plenty of scratches from my gun and pack to say that it's battle worn lol but I figured throwing a bit of Charcoal dust in the creases and on the chest would help define it a bit more. Not quite sandtrooper extent though.

  4. Hey all, I am going to go buy some Charcoal dust or sticks (and shave them) to get the weathering done on my HWT so I can submit.

    Does anyone have any advice, or a tutorial to assist so it looks decent? Last thing I want to do is just throw black smudges all over this thing lol.

  5. GREAT job on the pack, Danny!  Not sure if it will pass HWT, though..  Apparently, the pack in the main HWT CRL photo is going to be changed to reflect the one pictured towards the bottom.  Also, I would seriously consider adding some "blaster residue" to your armor.  It only takes some charcoal dust, a ladies "blush" brush, and some hairspray to keep it on.  (All easily removable with some Windex).  For a perfect example of this, check out Tony's (ukswrath) HWT Centurion submission photos.  He also has a great tutorial on building an HWT pack.  But there is a major problem I see, though....

    It looks like your T-21 could use some work....  If you want to send it to me, I can make the necessary changes, and have it back to you in about, oh, 3 years or so.   Just kidding, outstanding job!  I am jealous as hell!


    LOL thank you very much! My Squad Leader made the T-21, it's absolutely fantastic! Lights and sounds as well!! The pack was my first attempt and it was a rush build for Celebration, so I had about 4 days to knock it out. After trooping the pack all day Saturday at C7, the back of my armor looks like it's gone to war lol. I do plan on scuffing up the front a bit, maybe adding some blaster damage. I just realized too, I am VERY VERY close to Centurion approval (once the pack is finished). I just need to add the rivets tot he Ab/Kidney and the small cutouts and I'm there. I built everything else up to Centurion status.

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  6. Let me preface this by saying, I am 6'4" and 225 lbs. I'll be the first to admit I am WAY too tall to be a Stormtrooper.... Oddly enough, I heard that 900000000 times during my first troop lol.


    Hey all, check it out! Completed my ANH build, and I am finishing up my bucket (wearing my MR lid in the pics). I had a couple issues with the E6000 melting my chest buttons, and my belt buttons, so I will have to pop those off and redo them after Christmas. Currently though, I am just going to rock it like this for a couple troops to figure out where I'll need to make adjustments as it. Also, I love my white pauldron, I know it's not a Sandy but it looks so cool! With the full suit on, I sit just over 6'5" anyways.


    I had to extend the ab plate 3" because of the height issue, and I left extra meat all around the plastic on my shoulders and arms to aid in fitment. I still need to widen my kidney belt to close the gap I have in my back a bit more, additionally, I had to lengthen the kidney plate 1.5" per side. For my first build I am extremely happy with how it turned out. Here are some build shots and my first troop!


    Fresh Scootch Kit!




    Ab plate 3" extension cut mark



    Starting my extension


    Completed painted bits




    Widening my thighs for my big dancers legs lol



    Gluing Snap Plates


    Lid progress (at a standstill ATM as it's too cold to redo my paint)


    Starting assembly and making straps! You can see the gap I have in the back on the next shot. I plan on widening my kidney belt like I did to my ab plate to accommodate my height.





    Almost complete! I'm mocking up my thigh placement, and I needed to paint my chest buttons (E6000 melted the chest button plate)



    And now! Completed shots at my first troop! Star Wars Night at Bakersfield Condors!
















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  7. Hey all! here is another update!!

    I will be slinging paint today!

    Shoulder bells done

    Biceps Done

    Forearms Done

    Hand Plates Done

    Chest Done

    Back Done


    I am 6'4" so I have to section the ab armor and space it out, started that last night. Also, the thighs needed shims, so those are drying. Next will be to finish the calves and thighs up. The lid is maybe 1/4 the way done. My goal is paint by the end of the week and have everything attached next week to send my approval pictures off!



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