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Posts posted by kittysstar88

  1. i have two questions about my stunt anh armor. im working on making it to level 3. for the shoulder straps that are white nylon, how wide do they have to be?

     also i read that there was 7 total rivets on the cod part, yet i can figure out where they all go? i got the Three rivets, approximately 5/16"(8mm) diameter, are present on the left side of the abdomen armor.

    but when it says 

    • A single split rivet or brad is present on the lower tab of the abdomen armor.
      • Rivet does not need to be functional

    im not sure where this one is located. 

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  2. That is a great idea, it is actually what I started out with as what I wanted, but then my wife said to me.." If you are gonna do it, why don't you go big!, and chose one of your favourite characters...so I gave it a thought and this was the result...


    This is the initial idea....


     I love it!!! this is a great idea!!

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