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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Lancer

  1. It should have exactly the same strapping as an ANH. You must have assembled it incorrectly to begin with so add the strap at the lower end of the bell.


    I don't know why people think ESB armour is any different to ANH?


    The actually do not require any strapping based on the CRL's.  I tried the white elastic and was unhappy with the results.  I am a very tall trooper in costume probably 6'7".  The elastic wouldn't keep them in place.  


    I will try out the tape. I have an entire roll of white duct tape at my disposal.  Thanks everyone for the advice. 

  2. My approved TK is an ESB and it does not have shoulder bell straps like ANH & ROTJ.  I have been using rare-earth magnets to help keep them in place, and they do a decent job.  I know they won't do the trick up for an upcoming Weird Al concert.  Does anyone have a suggestion on a temporary solution to the problem that I can use for just that event?  I don't want anything to complicated or expensive.  Thanks for your help. 



  3. This past November the Bloodfin Garrison was asked for the first time to troop a Big 10 basketball game.  Two of their starters are apparently huge fans of the movies.  The troop was a great success and experience.  We were allowed to go out on the floor during a TV time out, and TKs were allowed to escort Vader onto the court for photos will the students, public, and staff.  This was my first troop at a large sporting event, and there was nothing quite like it.  It was made all the better with the extremely helpful and kind staff of the university. 


    Iphone 6 056_zpsbdtatkza.jpg

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  4. After a couple of trial troops in my armor, a constant problem has cropped up with my boots and calf armor.  My boots are converted BASS black leather.  I refinished them myself and they are about 2 inches shorter than TK boots.  With my tall frame, my calf armor is constantly moving up and riding up on top of the boots instead over over them.  Any recommendations on strap or another method to hold both the boots and armor in place.  My local CO & I talked about a Velcro or magnet system inside the boot to attach to the armor with a length of nylon.  Before I started work on such a system, I wanted to see what the board thinks.  


    I stand over 6'5" in my costume and you can see in this picture the armor riding up high over the back of leather of the boot.  If adjusted and I do not move, it is not an issue.  Only when I walk around.  Still I need to get this issue corrected.  





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  5. The problem is that when I measured the armor to also fit my boots and my legs, I could not get everything to fit unless I left the fronts so wide.  Trooper Gear told me that I was right on the edge of for their kit to fit an individual.  I will try playing more with the sniper plate to get it to fit correctly. Thanks everyone for your help. 

  6. I am running into a problem with finishing my suit.  I purchased Trooper Gear ABS kit earlier this year.  This selection was mainly made for the fact the their kit could accommodate a guy of my height.  I stand 6'5" and my calve armor is wider than normal to fit my lower legs.  The sniper plate that comes with the kit is too small to fit.  I have cut down the material on the plate and it is fitting much better but still not right.  


    Are there any other ways to adjust the plate so it could the the wider than normal calve armor?



  7. I am a few weeks away from a AM kit arriving.  I still haven't ordered my tights and the only TK in my local garrison that is close to my height is on maneuvers the rest of summer. 


    I need some advice with a vendor that can supply some tights that will fit right, or at least a setup that will work.  I have a lot of my height in my legs and have stocky wide shoulders.  Generally I wear 34-36 inseam pants and 36/37 length shirt.  I have no experience with tights but I know every company is a little different so I wanted to check here first. 


    Thanks for your help. 

  8. Hello everybody,  I am working to the initial stages oh my first Stormtrooper armor.  Thankfully I got a some friends from college that already have been aboard with the 501st for awhile that are helping me out.   Just looking to fine the right suit for my 6'5" lanky frame.  Suggestions or pointers are always welcome.  

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