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Posts posted by octoberhungry

  1. Hey OctoberHungry, if you message ATA armor (his contact info is at the very beginning of this thread), he sells a full kit for $XXX... that's who I'm going with cuz I'm just starting out as well :) email him and good luck man

    Ah cheers fella....I emailed them and they got back to me right away. So yeah sounds like for $XXX you get the full kit minus decals for the helmet. But you've still got to build it and trim it yourself. Looks a bit daunting to me! Not sure I'd trust myself and then I've wasted $XXX. They did send me a couple of email addresses of guys that will build it for you so I might see what they quote.
  2. Hello everybody....This is my first post on whitearmor. So I'm seriously considering taking the plunge and getting into Trooping or at least trying! So I've just started doing my research and have a few questions. Oh firstly thank you for this thread. I was very close to buying a complete kit from stormtrooper-costumes.com and originalstormtrooper.com (wow expensive!) but that would of been a big mistake.

    So now I'm trying to figure out where to buy from. I live in the USA so a North American dealer would be preferable. I'm not much of craftsman so I don't really fancy doing any hardcore painting and constructing of my armor..I'd be so worried about messing it up and breaking it! ha...However I am willing to give trimming a shot if it's not too hard? I do like the sound of the ABS armor rather than the HIPS style..

    Now I'm 5'11" and weight 170lbs...Reading through your list of vetted makers I like the sound of authenticprops (AP) in Canada. Do they sound like a good match for me? I found this link which seems to be them; http://www.tk409.com/update0405.html I'm not sure if it's out of date. I haven't emailed them yet but they list a full armor and helmet for $799. My budget is $1500-2K absolute max including all props etc. I really want an authentic, sturdy kick an impolite person armor that I can troop in or display at home.

    Much thanks!

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