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Posts posted by Nasuki3

  1. I agree about the CA boots. That is what my GML told me he has but I know they wouldn't be acceptable for SWAT deployment so I won't use them. I was looking at the Bass Amsterdams because I was trying to figure out how they fit, and as I went to measure for a proper boot size I saw that the heel size is approximately 1 inch. I don't know if that is on the inside at the arch or on the back, but what I currently have measure 3/4" on the arch and at the outside 1-1/8" from bottom to sole, or 1-1/2" from bottom to the edge that goes around the entire boot. So is that one inch on the back? Because if so I could get why what I have is to large. Anyways, I think I will probably switch to them anyways as they are a better deal than what I got, plus they are recommended, and the seem relatively decent from what I have seen. I appreciate all the links. And I get what you mean about wanting to go cheap on the boots. I don't mind spending a little extra for something good, but I don't want to have to risk ruining them to get them TD accurate by stripping and dying them and what not after spending that extra on them

  2. "Your heel may be a little higher than mine, it's hard to tell.      The hardest part about modifying you boots would be to get rid of that skin-like texture and make them smooth.     I've never tried dying or painting these types of boots, so that may be hard too.   I'm not sure how well paint would stick to those.   

    I guess my final answer would be, if they were smooth and white, and I really couldn't tell mch of a difference, I would say they were okay.      If they still had that texture, I wouldn't be able to pass them.   I hope this helps."
    That came straight from my GML, so I'd assume that they are clear? I mean when I read short heel on the CRL, I think of things like what I have shown or smaller, high heeled makes me think of something like these 
    Not what I posted. I don't know though. I will keep looking around for specific and/or relative heel height requirements for TK boots. I am also going to try and contact someone in SWAT at MEPD and see if they would clear it for Officer/SWAT status, as those are my main hurdles to clear.
  3. So, I was out and about and stumbled upon this set of boots. They weren't really labeled anything at all, but they look the part. I don't wan't to touch them with anything unless I know they are the right style. I mean, if worst comes to worst I can give them to my girlfriend, as they are womens anyways.


    Here are pictures?










    After holding them beside my phone and comparing them to the CRL on the 501st site, my friend and I both deemed them close enough to at least buy so that I didn't loose the chance to get them. I do know I would have to do work to the front of the sole as it is not flat. I put this up on MEPD (as I plan on going sandy) and I have received one comment and that was that the heels for too high, but I thought they looked rather close. My main problem with that is I haven't found a solid number for how high the heel should be or measurements for max height and min height. If anybody needs the exact height I can break out a ruler and give the height on them. Any help is appreciated.

  4. Hey, if it is any help, I found a pair of boots, Doesn't beat the deal Georgia got above, but it seems to be about the same price if not better than most I am seeing. If you have a Marshall's near you check there. That is where I found mine. I'm still waiting to see if the heel is to high on them or not (I was told by a member at MEPD it was, but I believe they are crazy because it looks the same size as all others), but once I get cleared by a reliable source, I will dye them since they are black. I'd post a link to them, but, after scouring the internet for 30 min or so, there is no sign that these even exist, other than the fact that I saw them and I have a pair. I can post pictures if anybody wants. I found them in the women's section. I'm a guy, but rather small, so my feet were able to fit into a size 9, which was the largest they had, and I think the smallest being a 7..? I know they had 8, but I'm not sure how much smaller. I'm not sure if they have these in all of their stores, or if it's site by site, and how many they have left, since, like I said, I can't find evidence of the exact boot I have anywhere, even after looking up barcodes, etc.

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