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Posts posted by plainhavoc

  1. Hello there, my name is Porter. 


    It is exciting to finally be jumping into this head first as it has been an aspiration for many years. I am 34. Married, with four children two of which are fans (We differ on the opinion of Jar Jar).


    I have not yet purchased a kit, or built a suit as of yet. I will likely start off with the basic TK, but eventually plan on building a stilted exosuit of the Phase III Dark Trooper and have it officially recognized into the 501st under the spec ops side. I know the FISD focuses on the myriad of trooper configurations, so I'll not mention the last part too much ;).


    I have registered with my local garrison, and am currently awaiting approval for at least a pending membership.


    Hope to learn much here, and pay forward what I can!


    "This is my armor kit. There are many like it, but this one is mine." -- unknown

  2. Hello everyone it is nice to finally be here!


    I've been following information of the 501st for quite some time now, as well as other detachments and have always loved the idea of this charity work.


    My only concern is finding one of the organizations that allow some of the more "obscure" EU canon armors in, like the Imperial Knights, Phase II or III Dark Trooper (not Shadow troopers) or other similarly rare characterizations. 


    While nothing beats the sight of 30+ TKs marching down an isle, sidewalk or street, You can get close to the same "wow" factor with a giant Phase III Dark Trooper, a Rancor (if it could be pulled off) or something people haven't seen before.


    Anyway, I am happy to be here amongst you guys and gals and would love to hear more about your experiences, your favorite stories, etc.





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