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paul mc

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Posts posted by paul mc

  1. Hi Pete good to hear your going over to the UKG. I was trooping in Essexs as the weekend in invasion colchester Great day. You say you will be ordering an icom I've heard there good you should also check out Jhon May he makes Romfx there very good and he lives in the uk. Also have you sorted out Ell yet. If not you should get one off of Mark Shearmen How is in the UKG as well. His user name is triumphmark. Or his Fb page is shear tech. He makes full rubber ones that don't break. Good luck

  2. Hi Pete I was trooping in Essexs at colchester at the weekend . You say you will be getting an icom I've heard they are very good. You should checkout A Romfx they work very well as well and the guy who makes them is in the UK. Have you sorted out your E11 yet if not you need to contact Mark Shearmen he makes full rubber ones that do not Break like the resin . He is in the UKG of his Feb page is shear tech . All the best

  3. Thanks for all the positive comments guys. I will see what I can do with the biceps but Believe it or not they are a very snug fit as they are. I will try and taper them in a touch. I will rise the back plate so it just sits above the kidney plate. As for walking in my armour it absolutely fine very comfy.

    Thanks again...

  4. Hi Leanne Steve has sent you in the right direction for kids armour I know his two boys and there kits are the best and there cheeky little troopers nice pictures Steve. My boy now wants his own stormtrooper as well but he is only 6. I think he will have to wait another year yet.

    Good luck and welcome aboard.

  5. Ok hi guys . I know the maker of these blasters very well. I have to say these are far better in the flesh. I have personally seen one up close and they are top notch and this only the first one he has made. I think Mark is going to do some very minor tweaks like putting real bolts in them as he is a bit of an perfectionist. But as they are at the moment I would be well happy with them. We have compared them to so many other blasters that we all troop with and Mark's blaster is right up there . So I will be placing my order. So finally we have a UK maker in unbreakable blasters.

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  6. Hi Mathias its me Paul you had your hands on my TM armour at the London excel it looks awesome now its all trimmed and sanded. Do you have any tips on cutting the shims. As I am a vinyl fitter I am pretty handy with a knife I was going to cut them with that or do you have any other tips.

    Thanks for reminding me about the back of the shins as well that's a big help and it was good to meet you. Thanks

  7. Hi every one I am in the process of building my 2mm TM armour all the trimming and sanding is done. the next thing to do is make my shims. I was going to do 15mm for the biceps and fore arms and 20mm on the thighs and shins. can any one let me know if these are the correct sizes or are there more accurate sizes


    Biceps 15mm

    fore arms 15mm

    thighs 20mm

    shins 20mm

    Are these the right sizes. Thanks

  8. Hi Garry I've built a few blasters my self now. I stared off with a full resin and then a Hasbro kit and now in the process of a pipe blaster and I have enjoyed every one of them. Good luck with one from scratch I think that's a bit out of my league. All so welcome to the FISD this is an awesome site and all so are you thinking of trooping. If you are get your self signed up to the UKG its an awesome site as well

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