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TK 27513

501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by TK 27513

  1. Hi all

    I,m having a real hard time trying to get these templates too print out too fit the pipe i got . It,s a 40mm pipe and i have used Photoshop to custom print but no luck and if i print them out just the way they are they are not wide enough . I must have gone through 50 sheets easy that's why i'm posting on here . else ill probably end up smashing my printer to bits lol.

    cheers for any help

  2. Hi


    I,m Dom I will be building an ATA kit to centurion standard.

    so any help along the way would be greatly appreciated , I will be in need of latex hand plates etc

    Looking foward to this build as i have only done soft costume builds so far them being a Jawa and a Tusken raider

    I have on order the ATA kit i have to wait a few months for the armor but the bucket is on its way . I aslo have ordered boots and the doopydoos blaster kit.

    Cheers Dom

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