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Posts posted by TheDastard

  1. Whats the difference between the ANH,Stunt armors and Centurion armor?


    Several details:




    Lists the requirements to satisfy standard level, Expert Infantry level, and Centurion level ANH (stunt) armor. I'm happy to target standard level to start, but I *know* Centurion level is something I'd be interested in long-term, so I'd love to satisfy some of those requirements from the get-go.

  2. Hello everyone!


    Been skulking about the forums for around a week now, and have finally managed to read all the posts in this thread haha. I'm currently a newbie looking to build his first TK, and after lots of research I think I have narrowed things down to a couple binary choices. I'm a 5'11" male weighing 175 lb, shooting for an ANH Stunt costume, and hoping to at some point upgrade it to Centurion quality (I get quite OCD when it comes to details, so I might start with some of the high-level Centurion details from the get-go :)).


    As far as the armor/helmet is concerned I was looking at either ATA or TM. I've heard good things about both from people on these forums, and have seen both used to make Centurion-level costumes. I was mainly curious about which would potentially fit better for a guy my size, as well as be more comfortable, as I might dance some while dressed up if I have decent flexibility.


    Second, with TK Boots currently on temporary hiatus, what is the next best option for boots? CABoots seem to be a popular suggestion, but as I understand it, they have a seam down the center of it, so aren't acceptable for a Centurion level costume down the road.


    Last, though probably a bit off-topic for this thread, I was curious as to people's preferences between the DoopyDoo E-11 complete kit and the DVH E-11 kit.


    Thanks for the assistance, you guys are incredibly helpful, and seemingly have never-ending patience for all of us newbies aspiring to become troopers  :)


  3. Hello everyone!
    I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Nick and I'm a recent computer science graduate working in the Bay Area as a software engineer. I'm also a die-hard Star Wars fan, and have been one since I could walk (I was even Darth Vader for Halloween when I was 8, with a sweet latex Vader mask that made all the other kids jealous).
    It is no exaggeration to say it has been a dream of mine to construct and own my own Stormtrooper costume. Now that I am both in a financially stable position and have the necessary free time to construct one, I've decided it's time to make that dream a reality :) I have always been a big cosplay fan and a stickler for detail, and love the impressive requirements the 501st places on its members to ensure costumes are as screen accurate as possible (especially for EIB and Centurion ranks).
    I have already started aggressively reading through the “Getting Started†threads over the last few days, and hope to begin ordering the parts for my first TK soon! I hope to soon have a costume impressive enough to allow me to join the 501st, and eventually achieve Centurion rank :)
    Nick S.


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