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Posts posted by mechman1118

  1. You should wear the costume as seen in the movie. Actually for a left handed firer you'd rest on your left knee. If you look at ANH the stormtroopers should be left handed - the holster is on the left, they stand at attention with their weapon held in their left hand. The sniper plate is on the left. It's only that the stunt men were right handed and fired their weapons that way that the confusion comes in ;-)


    ok, that clearifies things. i misunderstood the reason behind the sniperplate, and also somehow forgot that the troopers were all left-handed as well, d'oh. thanks for clearing that up

  2. not exactly sure if this is the right forum for this question, but it is in regards to how i should wear my armor. since i am left handed, should i wear the leg peices on the opposite legs? my thinking is since im left-handed, in a firing pose my right leg would be forward, not the left, so id want the sniper plate above the right kneecap. or should i just keep it on the left to maintain screen accuracy?




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