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Posts posted by SuperficialBurn

  1. I bought this TK armor off of DDay and have so far only needed to do some kidney shims and minor adjustments.  Thanks Dday for taking such good care of this!  This is really my first time putting it on so I would love some feedback.  Some of the obvious things I notice after looking at the pictures were:


    1) drop boxes are out of place

    2) yeah no neck seal on

    3) the new split rivets are not painted yet



    1) does the helmet look like its sitting high?

    2) The shoulder black straps on over my bicep pieces seem to show a lot, ideas or adjustments?


    Thanks for feedback.  More pictures soon







  2. Are there any RS propmaster builds someone can link me too.  I am worried that would be too small (site claims 6'3 as their max).  However, seems like they have the best rep for accuracy.  When you say TM I assume you me TrooperMaster, is that correct? 

  3. Hi,


    My name is Dan.  I have always thought owning some TK armor would be a blast.  I looked into the commercial offerings and always came away thinking it wasn't accurate enough.  I recently saw the Star Warriors documentary and was blown away.  What a perfect combination of both hobby and cause.  I was instantly hooked.


    I live in Seattle so I guess that makes me part of the Garrison Titan.  I have done a bit of reading already and it looks like RT-Mod (RT) Armor will be right for me as I am 6'4' and about 210.  I would love any newbie advice and recommendations.  I can't wait to get started!

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