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Posts posted by evoxpilot

  1. Thanks for the suggestions I will add to my list and start posting pictures as I attack them.  


    Hey man... a few suggestions...

    • Both your chest and back (more so your back) can probably be lowered. Just use a longer bit of white elastic that connects the two.
    • Your ab/cod can come up too to allow the ab to go under the chest. There should be an overlap. Your butt and kidney plate will come up with it all to meet the lowered back. 
    • It looks like you have a pretty good sized return edge on the top of your ab plate. I'd maybe trim that or it might become uncomfortable or make your armor look weird. 
    • I can't quite tell but I think you can trim the sides of the chest armor a little bit more. There's a tab or something on the lower side edges (if that makes any sense) 
    • The should bell elastic that goes around the bicep will help quite a bit. 
    • I'm not quite sure what to do about the drop boxes. Like RT I think the NE belt is a little big. The drop box outer edge should be aligned with the outer edge of the belt. On a screen sized belt that falls just about right over the thigh cover strips. I'm afraid if you move your drop boxes outboard they may end up being too far out. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
    • You can't bend your knee because your thighs are too low. Once you raise the torso armor you'll be able to raise the thighs and walk more easily. 

    There's nothing you can do about it but I've noticed that NE has a totally weird ridge on the sides of the ab plate that I'm iffy on. I wonder if FISD can peer pressure them into fixing that. The NE butt plate is also a weird shape. But such is life with a fan sculpt such as this. 


    My wife is a pretty good photographer when it comes to family photos... but I can't get her to take photos of me in costume properly. It's pretty funny/frustrating.



  2. First pictures of the fitment with it all together and all kinds of gaps and opportunities for improvement. Keep in mind, I have done very little or no trimming except a small amount were need to close some of the parts. As always I welcome the comments and pics are below (my wife still did not listen on how I wanted them to be taken, she will not be fired yet).


    My quick assessment:


    - Given my long torso I am getting some gaps between the back, kidney, and butt plates. Seems that I may be able to lower the back to correct. Thankfully I am using the elastic / Velcro that came with the suit so I can adjust before using an alternative.

    - Butt plate needs to be trimmed and heat formed, it sticks out on the sides. 

    - Butt plate is still linked to the ab plate with elastic but digs in when it pull through.  Possible trimming on the sides of the to easy the rubbing / biting.

    - Shoulder bells need to come forward.

    - Arms - Need to redo the bell/bicep/forearms with a longer piece of elastic It is not enough to measure when it comes to the elastic when it is connected to the bicep.

    - Little or no room under the bells.

    - Re-do the strapping for the front / back to improve the fitment and hopefully eliminate / narrow the gaps

    - Revisit the thighs measurement, they are just a little too long and can barely bend the knee with everything one. I may trim the inner thigh to improved to fit and mobility. - Thighs currently suspended with velcro front and back, need to build a garter system once the trimming / fitment is improved.

    - Replace existing rivets on  battery pack thigh with cap rivets (splits)

    - Need some helmet fans, wow. sweaty

    - Paint inside of helmet black.

    - Fit the belt and measure for the snaps for attaching the belt. Currently velcro.

    - Sniper plate came a part on the outer side, so I may need to figure that one out. I read a screw / binding post mounted on the inside will make it more secure.

    - Kidney rivets need installing for screen accuracy.


    - Repaint front buttons with French Blue.

    - Thermal Detonator reconstructed for screen accuracy.

    - Right shin: Digs into the boots on the right side, need some sanding / or padding to reduce the rubbing. 

    - Left shin rotates inward: I read about a button fix, will do that for both sides.














  3. The shins a really flexible and should not be a problem. The photo of the thighs  is on the previous page you used for holster reference. I used chicago screws on the holster, hd has them. 


    I used bifurcated have a pretty good hold.  I removed the return edge of the bottom rear section of the thighs and that allow me some more movement.


    Would notching the back of the thigh at the bottom prevent a future application for Centurion status?



  4. The holster rivets I added four split / bifurcated total included a washer on the back for support. I noticed that on the others.  I originally used a blind rivet, obviously did not work well.


    I did not see the photos you reference, but I think I could find them.


    Regarding the sniper plate, its probably because I put the shins on too high around my calves (large from running / training) and pop.  I will try gluing again though; however I may try a binding post if the whole thing comes off!


    The rivets, did you put a washer on each side, this will keep it from pulling thru the belt.

    Thighs can be notched in the back on the knee, like the above photo's.

    Sniper plate, the glue probably didn't set up fully, you could peel the glue off and sand both surfaces and glue and clamp the hell out of it and let it set for a few days. :)

  5. Looks like you know what you have to do. I would just recommand you to heatform your butt plate before cutting anything


    Waiting for your pictures when you'll be ready  :)


    My wife took some pics, but they are rather poor quality with her phone and I will need to redo on my own. :(  Regarding the butt plate, I will take a pic of the edge that needs to be trimmed much later today which is similar to kidney plate edge (left side) that I trimmed that was excess.  The fine tuning is actually pretty fun.

  6. So I tried everything on last night and I have number of fitment issues below:


    - Given my long torso I am getting some gaps between the back, kidney, and butt plates. Seems that I may be able to lower the back to correct. Thankfully I am using the elastic / Velcro that came with the suit so I can adjust before using an alternative.

    - Butt plate needs to be trimmed and heat formed, it sticks out on the sides

    - Shoulder bells need to come in so I will add a another snap to the elastic to bring it closer. It is not enough to measure when it comes to the elastic when it is connected to the bicep.

    - Re-do the strapping for the front / back to improve the fitment and hopefully eliminate any gaps

    - Revisit the thighs measurement, they are just a little too long and can barely bend the knee with everything one. I may trim the inner thigh to improved to fit and mobility.

    - Need a helmet fan, wow.

    - Regular rivets on the holster will be replaced with split rivets because the holster came right off.

    - Fit the belt and measure for the snaps for attaching the belt.

    - Sniper plate came a part on the outer side, so I may need to figure that one out. I read a screw / binding post mounted on the inside will make it more secure.

    - Kidney rivets need installing for screen accuracy.

    - Thermal Detonator reconstructed for screen accuracy.

  7. Do I choose one based personal preference?


    I am making anh e11 however I already have the m38a2 which a got from my grandfather (he had a box full of scopes). I noticed that the only place that a I saw an a2 was on a sandtrooper screen capture. So a bit of a mis-match since I want to be a tk.

    Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk

  8. Thermal Detonator screen captures that I will be using to do some reconstructive surgery on my TD which may include adding a half inch to the TD to close the gap, move the clip so it does not abut the panel.


    I did notice in one of the screen captures the holster is held by two rivets and loop up and over instead of straight down. I guess that is another option.












  9. Don't worry Darren, our little discussion wasn't aimed at you personally. It just happened to take place in your thread. Use screen shots and archive pictures whenever possible to make sure you do it right and not rely on the hope that someone else made the right decision when they built their suit. :duim:


    No worries, just chiming in with an unsolicited point of view from a new build perspective.  Your team is a good sounding board for triangulating the correct approach and certainly reduces the anxiety when I get some feedback prior to "cutting metal"... :smiley-sw013:

  10. I thought no one would notice! Thanks.


    Early on I got the message that the CRLs are good guides and a good place to start but one should use screen references so I am.


    For a first timer having an exact or close measurement is helpful because it takes some the anxiety out prior to making the cutting or drilling decision (getting replacement parts is not easy or inexpensive.).


    The issue with researching is concluding with the right decision for one's armor, and typically that is eib or centurion status, so what is correct? So I tend to gravitate towards a procedure, pics, guides, other builds that pass. Makes it less stressful. Now, I use the screen reference now as the final authoratative reference prior to "cutting metal", but hate to miss a detail.


    Anyway, my goal is to make the 501st and not to make build decisions that prevent a centurion status. We all want the best looking armor to represent the group. The more the merrier.


    As always thanks for the feedback and your time.


    Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk



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