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Posts posted by TKInTraining

  1. Yeah, that'd be my main concern, too. I think the main plus to doing it from scratch would be all the real estate it'd free up. Although the thing I got hung up on myself is mic placement, if used in tandem with a voice amp system. My gut instinct would be to place the mics for the ambient sound amp system in the aerators of the helmet, so you wouldn't have to mod the helmet itself externally, and plus you really just want the sound in front of you amplified. But the main issue I see with that is feedback from the voice amp, which I'd like to have mounted under my chest plate. I can see where the mics might pick up your own voice, and give feedback. But that might not be an issue, based on the placement of everything. Also, at least for my helmet, I might be running out of space here. I'd like an Aker voice amp with the Memorex wireless transmitter, a circuit for audio amplification, as well as the much needed fan, and foam/harness/whatever system I decide on for securing the fit of the helmet. I'll have to do some serious planning, that's for sure. But as soon as I get closer to having parts in hand, I'll post a WIP thread, and you can be sure I'll be posting trial and error for the audio amp circuit.

  2. Huh? I'm not getting how ear protection for shooting would work for noise amplification. Plus, I researched how much the components would be for such a system last night when I saw the schematic for Mynock's setup, and it's pretty darn cheap. To get 2 mics, 2 speakers, 2 mono amp boards, a switch, the battery, and a 10K potentiometer, it's like $20, $25. Plus, it's a pretty straightforward circuit. If you have a good soldering iron, it'd be easy to make the circuit yourself, plus it'd be exactly what you need, and cheap. If you want links to the specific parts, here are the ones I bookmarked:

    --------------olume pads on both boards. That's what I'm going to do once I get my helmet.

  3. Okay, good to know. I just emailed him to see about an estimate. And yeah, I'm totally fine with waiting a bit longer or paying a bit more to get a good kit, and I told Mark that. There really isn't any time table I have as to when I "need" the TK done by, it's just that I like knowing what my time frame for a project is going to be. I mean, it took me like 6 weeks to build my ESB DL-44, and that was just one prop. But it was totally worth it to do it right. And in the mean time, I can raise as much cash as possible, and start getting the miscellaneous pieces together, like the neck seal, boots, helmet electronics, etc. In fact, I just ordered a Doopy Doos Hasbro E-11 conversion kit for my Star Tours blaster I've had for about 10 years or so. Time to finally put it to good use! :)

  4. Thanks Kade! hey, just a question while I anxiously await selling my stuff- anyone know the current wait time for a full, trimmed AP kit? In the email Mark sent me, it said the current wait time is 4 weeks plus one week for a trimmed kit. But I was doing some reading last night and one guy 2 years ago waited 4 MONTHs for his, so I'm just wondering what the current wait time is. The only reason I am weary of the one month wait time is that it seems too good to be true! :)

  5. @Locitus: Darn! Those are perfect, but I don't have the cash I need in hand for that yet. Hopefully he doesn't sell the one size 12 pair he has left before I can snag them for myself.


    @Ravenwood: Yeah, I know. But I don't really have any other way to get a TK. But I can always get together another Jedi or X-Wing pilot or something, they aren't terribly expensive to do. Looking forward to the TK, though!


    @LadyInWhite: I actually am a member over on SCG already; I go by "Master Valon" over there, as that used to be my "Jedi-themed" name on the various SW forums I'm on. I figured I'd need a more "stormtrooper-appropriate" name, now, though! So for 501st purposes I'll go by "TKInTraining" from this point on. But, I'll be sure to post a WIP thread over there, so you local 501st members can help me out, too!


    @pattrooper: Thank you! All you guys are super friendly, so I'll be sure to pester you all with questions when they inevitably arise! And yes, I will definitely document my progress with tons of pics, as soon as the kit starts coming together.

  6. Hello, FISD! My name is Sam, and I FINALLY (!!) am starting work on my first armor build ever, a TK. First, I'd like to indulge in a bit of backstory, if you guys and gals will bear with me.


    Back in 2007, when I was 12 ( so long ago... :D) I went to CIV, my first convention ever. Man, did that change EVERYTHING. I had always been a SW fan, ever since my dad showed me ANH when I was the ripe old age of 2. But I had my eyes opened to the wonderful world of costuming that came along with the fandom. I attended the 501st panel, and was blown away by the sheer attention to detail and craftsmanship. That night, I went home and looked up the 501st, and from that point, I knew ONE day, I'd have an armor kit of my own.


    So, fast forward to last year or so, and I start in earnest to build a SW costume for conventions. I had been into lightsaber building on and off since 2008 or so, and joined all those forums in 2011. But I really wanted to have a costume to go along with my sabers. And since I was 18, I could finally join a costuming club! I knew I just didn't have the resources for any armored kit, so I went with a generic Jedi to submit my application to the Rebel Legion. Since being admitted in early November, I have had a blast at all the events I have managed to attend, the biggest one being WonderCon at the end of March ( I was on the RL panel there, actually). But after WonderCon, I knew I wanted to work toward something bigger....an armored kit. In the meantime, I had tinkered in blaster building (DL-44s), and had sunk all my money into two Denix based DL-44s, one ESB variant I have completed, and the other an all metal "Greedo Killer" model, which I still have to get all the parts for. But once I do, I will post it for sale (My ESB is already on eBay) to fund my biggest project yet- a TK.


    So, today, I posted my complete Jedi ensemble for sale, and those funds will go toward my TK. Between my whole Jedi costume, my ESB DL-44 and my GK DL-44, I hope to make $1300 ( I put in about $1400 in parts for it all), which would be about enough for me to get a trimmed AP kit with gloves and holster, as well as the neck seal and undersuit, and a tad left over I could put toward boots (I think CA Boots will win the day for me, unless anyone can suggest a better route). It's been a big couple of days for me, since I've committed to the idea of attempting a stormtrooper build. I've already had a blast doing the little bit or research I've done, and hope to learn a lot more in the coming weeks.

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