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Baron Dirk

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Posts posted by Baron Dirk

  1. Jostens is another company that will do stuff like this. They make school rings, company anniversary rings and the SUPERBOWL rings. Where ever you go it's going to be pretty expensive though, especially for the first "prototype". On a side note have any of you seen that bilnged out R2D2 covered in Swarovski rhinestones? R2 be pimpin'.

  2. You can search a little bit more because I know some of these sites have the "chemical" gloves in the small sizes. Most laboratory supply houses only stock them in medium or large because those sizes sell the most and they aren't concerned with looks. They might special order you some in a small though. Chemical gloves have the right "look". You can also try looking up these two business'....

    "Stormy Leather" (A women owned company. I know they use to have chemical gloves in the odd sizes)

    "Mrs. S Leather" (Another fetish company that used to carry them)

    Both do mail order and custom requests.


  3. This will sound kooky and only use this tactic if you are okay with viewing NSFW websites. Google "rubber fetishwear womens gloves". You will find rubber gloves of various types (chemical and fashion) and ALL sizes from XS to XL. There are plenty of websites to choose from. They will usually be about twice the price of buying them at the science supply houses but they have more sizes. Also many of these "fetish" store fronts also cater to PG "cosplayers" as well. They are great resources for costuming providing stuff like colored latex and rubber sheeting and colored liquid (paint on) latex. This brings me to my next suggestion for you or any 'Trooper with odd size hands. Buy a cheap cloth pair of opera gloves or soft cotton gloves (like art appraissors/museum workers use) that fit like you want. Order a pint or two (have a glove making party) of black liquid latex and some small cheap foam brushes,at least two. (They get destroyed from use) Shave any arm/back of hand hair close to or under the glove area to avoid a painful "waxing". Put talcum powder on the areas that will be covered by the glove and place it on your hand. You can use one of two methods or a combination of both. Method #1. is to paint it on and let it dry. Method #2. is the dip method. simply dip your hand in the can (or container big enough for your hand) and pull it out and let dry. Method #3. Combination of dip and paint. Dip then smooth any funky areas with brush, dry for a few minutes and repeat. Retouch any funny areas by painting after final coat.

    ALL METHODS REQUIRE SEVERAL COATS TO BE DURABLE! Let each coat dry for a few minutes before applying the next one and ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FINGERS FROM TOUCHING TILL COMPLETLY DRY! DO NOT REMOVE GLOVE UNTIL DRY! You can speed up drying process by GINGERLY using a hair dryer set on medium or low. Let gloves dry completely overnight by slipping them over a beer bottle or plastic party (beer pong) cup with a hole cut in the bottom (for faster drying). They usually come out a dull to semi gloss finish. If you want a better sheen to them you can use something like ARMOR ALL tire and dash polish just don't apply it to the palm side of the glove as it makes them slick as hell. You don't want to drop your after work cocktail at the Mos Eisley Cantina! You can use common rubber cement to attach latex or latex like hand plates but do this before any application of Armor all. BOOM! You've got yourself custom fitted 'Trooper gloves. Some of the sites that supply liquid latex also post tutorials and there are plenty on YouTube. It's awesome stuff for costuming. I made a pair of costume devil/batwings by making a metal frame of wire hangers with nylon stockings stretched over it and painted the nylon with the latex. CREEPY LOOKING! I also made a pair of cheap "leather" pants for my "Road Warrior" armor by taking a pair of old faded jeans and painting with latex and then aging/distressing with "stage dirt". Great costume possiblities with this stuff.

    REMEMBER TO WEAR A SMOCK OR CRAPPY CLOTHES WHEN WORKING WITH IT! Once it gets on cloth it does not come off. EVER, NO WAY!

    I hope my suggestions will help you find or make gloves that fit. (Dang maybe I should make a tutorial of this for FISD. Hmm....)

    Cheers and good luck!

  4. Wow! I have been watching more of the tutorials and those things sure save people a lot of corrective work and heartache. Thanks guys! As I plow through them I find that I am leaning more toward a practical/ comfortable armor build rather than an uber authentic screen build. I do have some questions though.


    #1. I like the look of the butted seam armor with the overlay strip as this appears more "neat" and "crisp". It also appears to give lots of leeway in sizing. (me: long limbs, short/flat/wide torso, 5'7", 140lbs.) So if I buy an armor kit that has an overlap built in can I cut that out and do a butted seam without messing the kit up? (I will be shrinking it a lot probably)


    #2. How is the breathing/circulation in the helmets? Though it will negate some certification levels I am thinking that if It's really stuffy in the helmets I might make real vents where the painted ones are and back them with screen. Has anybody else tried this? (The old costume shop helmet I had was stuffy and kinda smelled.)


    Thanks for the info and the warm welcome. Cheers!

  5. Did I, funny I don't remember saying that, oh btw I am TK 85421 :D


    Hello and welcome aboard, lots of info and friendly people here. I too did not think I would look watch star wars again and say "That dude has a white rivet in his armor", but guess what that's what happens now. It is amazing how differently you look at a movie once you have researched and built your armor and it is amazing how many tiny details you just don't see. Yes you are right the public just wouldn't know but it is a good feeling when you recieve acknowledgement from your fellow builders of the fine work you have done and the attention for detail. Good luck on your journey hope we see a build thread from you soon :duim:

    It was from the armor thread. My goof!
  6. That is true too a certain extant for me gmrhodes 13. I like knowing that the faceplate buckle on my 14c. helmet is true but I also look at the theatrical look that the public sees. I guess for me I am less worried with the exact specifications and more about making an amalgamation of the things that fans like. Then in turn settling that with what is exceptable in 501 is just a little cofusing right now. In a perfect world I would by the helmet from this joe, chest from him, hand plates from her, etc.

  7. Well I just found 501st and FISD because I was finalizing details for my next suit of medieval fighting armor and I thought "Damn, I never got that badass Stormtrooper armor I wanted as a kid." Google's random search can work.

    I saw Star Wars and the next school day I was in art class making 'Trooper armor. It doesn't fit anymore and is not up to 501 spec. Both of the sites are great! So much info! Definitely two of the best (if not the best!) fan costume sites ever.

    Now here's the rub! I am a real stickler for look and fit but not in the uber fan way. I appreciate the levels of costuming excellence awards here and I will strive for that but for me it's about overall look. I didn't see ANH and say "That dude has a white rivet in his armor". I think the overall look is more important than the fact that you have the white rivet exactly 4mm down from the edge.

    Overall appearance and attitude appeals to fans more than the exact color of blue/grey on your helmet.

    I like pranking! It's funny when Stormtroopers go anywhere....WWII re-enactments (helmet only), Civil War (helmet only), Surfing (helmet only) and IRS audit (helmet only), the following Gov't. psychological evaluation (helmet only/no clothes. Ha ha!) Cheers mates!

  8. Thanks for the info. Hot tweaking skills I got. I have worked in plastic for costumes/medieval armor before. Your comment about ATA is one of the things that thwarts me because it seems only whole suits are available and by reading the forums it seems this guys limbs would be better, that guys butt plate is the best, this helmet is best, more details in this suit, etc. and it all seems to be geared towards a slightly taller, thicker, sedate trooper.

    Dammit! Why doesn't the Imperial kitchen make a high calorie nutritional paste for us smaller troopers? Ha ha.

  9. Wow! First off I gotta say you people and this site are FRACKIN' AWESOME! What kid didn't want a suit of 'Trooper armor after they saw Star Wars? When I got to school on Monday the teacher asked me "What are you making for your art project?", ME "Stormtrooper armor". It turned out alright but it's really small now and won't meet 501 spec. Ha ha! Speed up to modern day and I remember "I always wanted a badass suit of 'Trooper armor" so I googled it and found 501 and FISD. So here's what I got so far....

    Boots: sourced

    Gloves: Rubber/chemical - got it.

    Bodysuit: got it.

    Neck seal: making it. (pretty easy and many online look too crappy for the price.)

    Tailoring skills: got it.

    Craft skills: got it.

    Armouring skills: got it


    While all this stuff seems to be what alot of people have trouble getting it was no problem for me but the armor is my problem. I am a real stickler for a good look and fit. It just looks crappy and uncomfortable when people seem to be swimming in costumes that should fit. My big problem appears to be fit.

    I am 5'7"(171cm) tall, 140lbs.(63.5kg) weight, 28'(71cm) waist, 38'(96.5cm) chest. My torso is flat/wide/short rather than round/thick. My limbs are long/ropey muscled not long/straight. So there in lies my quandry. I have read on the forum that some armors are better for smaller people and some are better for taller people but I am kinda stuck in between with an odd combination of measurements. So my questions are....

    Is ABS heat workable after it has been formed into 'Trooper armor?

    Does heated shaping post manufacturing ruin the finish?

    If so is it repairable with refinishing?

    Any troopers out there with body types like mine that have input on which armourers make/can get closest to our shape?

    Any armourers out there that sell peices by the part? (I have found with medieval armourers that if they make a good greave and gauntlet that is a good guage of their sizing and work.)

    Was this the right forum to post these questions in? (I have been reading this forum and 501 for almost two days and A little overwhelmed trying to find all the info I need.)

    Thanks and cheers!

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