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Posts posted by TK_3202

  1. They confirmed in their bonus November newsletter that the holster is real leather. They even shown pictures of it...

    As for as using the 3D files from the screen used helmets, it would make sense in explaining how quick they were able to produce them. I've been thinking about that for some time actually.

    I stand corrected on that part. Odd though they still say they weren't sure when I asked via a support ticket.


    Regarding the TFA armor, what I was told was Disney refused to hand over the 3D files, despite the short deadline requested by Disney to get the suits out in time to have some ready for Celebration. And despite it taking longer, they had to scan the armor due to Disney refusing to lend the files to Anovos.


    Who knows though. Like I said, they change their stance on things quite a bit.

  2. Or lie. Sorry, but they are far from truthful. If I went based on ship dates they've given me alone, and got a dollar every time they were completely wrong, I'd be a rich man. Hell, I had one of the owners call me on my cell phone to talk about the at-at driver when I bought it back when it was first available. He told me a ton of things...most now have been proven false. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. They make nice stuff, but they're far from trustworthy. They just tell you what you want to hear to get your cash. <br><br><br>

    Hell, the tks are shipped in a week or two, and they still don't know if their holsters are real leather or faux. Really? You're two weeks out and you don't have a clue what materials you're using? Riiiiiiight.

  3. I'm not one to make fun of armor, I get that not everyone can afford the good stuff. But when it looks like this and they're charging 11 thousand dollars, I have to put my foot down. This is just downright disposable. It doesn't even have a belt. <br><br>

    I really hate eBay sellers. When I was new to this many years ago I got screwed a couple times, but at least the stuff I bought displayed well even if it was thin and cheap. But this....who would buy this?


  4. "Since I'm breaking up with my boyfriend he wont need this anymore."    I think this quote might explain a lot.. Ouch.



    Not an excuse to break an NDA she signed. It says right in there she can't sell it to the general public. That and the 4500 dollar buy it now doesn't say "I want out", it says something else entirely...

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