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Posts posted by lithiumus

  1. I got on Jim's list too and will be June/July time frame.  Can't wait to get this in!!!


    I have to say that I love the ability to get this from a person that is doing runs vs. a corporation.  Plus Jim is getting work to a team of fiberglass guys there local that need the work.  So not only are you getting a fan made cast from a great guy, you are helping a group that needs the work.


    Never a truer statement and well said! 

    • Like 1
  2. I've got the mo3dprinting pistol kit and was wondering if anyone has purchased any of the security screws, pins, springs, etc?  I'm located in Toronto and haven't been able to find anything locally without ordering.  If someone has purchased bulk, let me know if you'd be willing to sell as set.  If not, I'd be willing to order up the hardware and sell back sets to anyone in need.


    I'm good either way and happy to help others as needed.

  3. I don't think Jim is saying to add a new seam but to cut along the already existing seam(s) and overlap with velcro to make the thighs smaller.  I would likely be doing this to all the parts to make them fit nicely and look more accurate as needed.  The challenge is to make the seam look like they mate together cleanly after the cut rather than an obvious overlap.  Check out some of the great build threads esp. ukswrath's 


    I forget the terminology but the idea is to use scrap HIPS pieces and cut an overlap strip and use it to reconnect the other side after the cut. 


    So cut an existing seam, clean up the edge you want to preserve. 

    Cut a scrap HIPS strip.

    Fit the thigh piece and determine how much you are cutting.

    Cut to fit, clean the edge

    Glue the HIPS strip to the back of one edge with overlap.

    Then either glue the overlap joining the other edge or use velcro.


    Something like that...

  4. Will you be making a version to install on airsoft Glocks?


    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


    I think you can use an airsoft glock and modify it to work.  I was considering the same thing but you'd still have to make the white cover for the rear of the grip to attach to the Glock.  Has someone made or offered something like that?

  5. Hey Heston,


    Fantastic work!  I had a couple of questions.  From all the pics it looks like the front grip can pivot down but I didn't see any specific pics so I wanted to know if it can or if it's stuck closed.  Another question I had was about the ability to fit Electronics to light up the Henslinger counter and possibly the clip.  Wondering if the counter can be modified with slots so the LEDs can shine through if installed...  something to think about.

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