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Posts posted by The_Trooper

  1. One last thing. I would have never ended up with the CAP stuff if not for the fact that TE ripped me off on an SFS helmet and I was tired of paying 8 to 9 Benjamins for flimsy plastic with more often than not disappointing characteristics. Oh and the waiting game we've all been through....... six months for my first ANH suit, 8 for my second, etc.


    Whatever they may say about CAP he was a man you could take at his word. He never lied. He was trustworthy in that respect. It's a mistake to exhault anyone for copying an original and at the same time criticize someone for copying the copy. think about that. ;)


    Can't go wrong with CAP-W.. ;) my 2 cents!

  2. Iam giving my TK also a good "wear and tear", Steve (SW1) told me to use black newspaper and some black pastel. Works great, also added some scuff marks with some black rubber. Dont forget to add the scuffs etc on the inside of some armor parts to get a realistic feel to it ;)

  3. Hello,


    Iam currently in the middle of building my second Stormtrooper armor. My first suit was a FX armor with a MR CE helmet. Having taken on a Boba Fett ESB version last year (Which still isn't done ;) ) my friend called me to ask if i was interessed in a SDS kit that he had laying around. (yeah SDS.. recast.. blahblah.. etc :P ) so i bought it off his shoulders an started building around two months ago.


    Iam aiming for screen-accurate look, trying to modify the suit in a good and proper way. Seeing the TM suit of SW1 i was amazed at how awesome that suit looks! So weathering my suit would be great option to give it that "lived in" look.


    Below are some pictures of the current status of the suit itself. (pictures take with my phone.. srry) It may not be the best and most accurate build-up, but i hope you appreciate the pictures and please, enjoy them!


    Helmet: CAP-W "stunt" with chin strap added, still need to get myself some accurate padding





    Left side:



    Right side:



    Armor: SDS kit


    Left side: Rivest do not match 100%, though it appears some ANH suits have it the same way.



    Right side:






    Shoulder straps:



    Belt: Off-white fabric



    Shin guards: Mounted the knee plate crooked to match the screen suits (Boots were black but are repainted white)



    Upper legs: Still need some finetuning



    Any tips or advice is more then welcome!


    Thanks for looking!

  4. Top job Stefan , what you could use aswell if you have not already is some scrunched up news paper black and white and rub that on the armour to gives a great effect ;)


    The newspaper weathering that Stephen recommends works like a charm. Just be sure to wear some plastic gloves ;)

    Iam still in doubt as to weathering my armor, but i just love the authentic "lived in" look.


    You did it perfectly, i dig it B)

  5. I would not have the knowledge I have (which is minimal) without information being shared so from my point of view I am grateful to those that have.

    Personally I would help anyone like I have been helped by everyone on here.

    I will never discover a 'storm trooper holy grail' so will never be in a position to hoard but I would like to think if I did, I would share

    (providing it was either my own research or I had permission if it was someone elses)


    my.......this is a comfortable fence


    Ditto! iam already amazed by the amount of knowledge people are willing to share on here.

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