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Mountain Mike

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Posts posted by Mountain Mike

  1. Forgive me if this has been posted but I looked at the photo album showing the different armors and I even juxtaposed them and I can't tell the difference. I have been told that I have the ANH so I just took his word for it. But what are the differences? For me (or as they say in French: "Fourmi"), it's akin to the difference between a 1965 Mustang and a 1966 Mustang. I'm just curious.

  2. I bought this varmint on eBay and I'm highly impressed with it. My previous one fed a 2W amp into an 8W amp that I carried in my blaster holster. This one allows me to plug the headset directly into it.




    Or you can email the seller directly at wonderfull@126.com and tell them you want the KU-858


  3. I just joined. I am in Ventura, which is 60 miles (100Km) up the coast from Tinseltown and 30 miles (50Km) down the coast from Santa Barbara. I got my previous armor on eBay in 2002 but it was too short for me, the chest didn't even overlap the abdomen, so I got the one that I now have and it just so happens that it arrived the same day that EP3 was released.

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