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Posts posted by stormtrooper_build

  1. Really nice armor Keith!!!

    Just one thing: it looks like that the thermal detonator is too high. It has to cover the belt.


    Keep on troopin'



    i see what you mean about the detonator. my partner helps me to put the Armour on and i am not sure if she pushes it all the way down on the belt. next time i have it on i will have to remind here to push it all the way down.

    i think she may of been worried in-case she scratched the Armour with the metal hooks pushing in down. so didn't go all the way.

    maybe she should put it on to the belt first then fasten it up.

  2. hi guys.
    i had one of my sisters over yesterday afternoon who has only ever seen my Armour in pics over the internet. she wanted to see what it looked like in the flesh and asked if i would put it on for her to see.
    so off i run up the stars like a big child and on the way saying to my partner it's trooper time and i need your help. :D

    anyways she and here husband were well impressed with it, saying it looks much better in the flesh than it does by pictures. she also commented on how that i looked like i had just walk off a movie scene.  :jc_doublethumbup:

    only one thing missing on the Armour in the pictures which some of you guys probably have noticed. i still have to get a hold of some laytex hand guards. if there is anyone on the forum got a spare pare going cheap that they are willing to part with. please PM me.... :duim: 





  3. i have done some adjustments to the Armour as suggested. here is a couple of retest pics to look at.
    all so here is a short video of the sound fx glove device i put together in action. any comments guys fire away.... ;)

    if the pictures aren't much cop, don't blame me , blame the misses she took them and she ain't no david bailey :D  



  4. Hi Paul.... :duim: 


    i have 2 fasteners on the elastic for the cod plate and yes it was put on the tighter one when i ware it in the picture. i will try it on the slacker one the next time i try the Armour on.

    the issue with the back plate, the extra material on the neck seal sticking out all over the place doesn't help. once i have trimmed it back a few inches. i will see if that helps any.

  5. Hi Keith you are definitely getting there mate , but we did mention to you about lowering your biceps on the UKG before your test fit ;) Please keep up the good work and I am sure we will have you cleared in no time :) Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


    Hi Stephen.

    i have raised the forearms up 1 inch, but i am yet to make some new elastics for the biceps to bring them down a bit. i will make them sometime tomorrow............ :duim: 

  6. i took to hasbro blasters apart. the first one the scope cape came of no bother as it just had a couple of small drops of glue put on the keep it held in place.

    the other one i think the hole bottle of glue was put on as it refused to come off. i couldn't get the edges to open up any were. i had to end up cutting it in places and ripping it off.

    i guess non 2 are glued the same.

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