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Posts posted by Paix

  1. It would be best if you have it a coating of fiberglass and fiberglass resin inside to make it nice and sturdy, then put the bondo on. I made a Halo 3 Marine suit for a final in stage craft in highschool and skipped the bondo, just fiberglassed it and it stood up in full contact football.

  2. Looks very good so far, I don't know if you know this or not, but cardstock will make it easier to build and a little stronger from the start then computer paper, also on the rpf, if you look up a guy name Fierfek he's got the entire suit modeled out almost spot on.

  3. Won't be a problem for aprroval.


    There are a few low brow stunts in the movie.


    Thanks ^_^ The brow and bubble lenses were the two main things that made me like the Hero Suit's helmet more and I'm fine with flat lenses so as long as I can cut the brow down to look aggressive I'll be 100% satisfied with my Stunt. It'll be penalty fun to start putting it together, I just have to get on the waiting list now and get the last $170 I need. And I have to figure out how I'm going to set everything up so I can make every part correct for Centurion some of it seems easy and other parts seem really complicated, but I'm sure one I have the armor in hand It'll make more sense in the mean time, research time!

  4. So I've been lookinga round and I haven't found anything about this yet so I was wondering about it. I like the Hero Suit, not the Stunt suit, I like the way the eyes and brow look on the Hero helmet and the handplates on the Hero as apposed to the stunt, but I like the Stunt frown WAY better, is it possible to make the ATA stunt helmet look like a Hero helmet and still get approved? Of course I want to get the Hero handplates too. This is what the helmet I have right now looks like and I think it looks perfect, minus the fact that it needs to be repainted, it's a TE2 but the Brow is lowered just the way I like it so it looks nice and agressive instead of soft:



  5. Thanks I've done some reading up on both, but the members who have met me face to face have all agreed I should go with ATA to appease my accuracy quirk as well as my size still, more research can't hurt I've still got a few weeks before I'll have the money to order my armor as I have to sell some more prop/costume stuff I have laying around to get there.

  6. Hello so I've lurked around FISD for a few years, I'm active however on therpf as Prince NEO.


    So a little about me:


    As a child, the first movie I ever watched with my father was Star Wars ANH from the face edition boxset, from the moment the Tantive IV was borded and the TK's started pouring out I've wanted to have a set of TK armor all my own. so naturally when I was 16 I found the 501st, and I thought it was a wonderful idea, I was already very active in local charities and fundrasers, so the thought of the abitily to preform charity while wearing a TK suit made me estatic. I joined the BSN when I was 16 because I did not know about the Florida Garriosn Board and I knew I was also very interested in Scout Troopers, from there I found the Fl Garrison Boards because it turned out a friend on the rpf boards was a member of the squad I would be joining if and when I finished my armor. Now I'm 1 or 2 sales away from having the money to order my armor and another friend suggested I finally get my butt over here.


    That's just about my story.


    As for what armor I was going to order, since I'm a skinny, 5'11 almost 6' tall 125lbs guy AND I wanted to do ANH Hero armor I figured I'd go with ABS ATA armor.

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