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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by neelz

  1. I printed out a bunch of copies of the TK ref photos, and drew lots of ideas for what the for what the Death trooper could look like.

    that was the hardest part, creating a good concept.


    Because I live in a desert, I wanted a somewhat mummified look as opposed to a freshly dead zombie.

    Thats why I went for more browns and very little blood.

    Once I knew what I wanted to do, I took my TK and sanded down the surface, and dremmeled the cracks and gaps.


    I used acrylic paint matching the color schemes in this forum and used a sponge to apply it, and than wiped it of with a wet towel.

    I did this repeatedly until I had the texture and color I wanted.

    The facial prostetic, I made that myself, I have a some mask making skills, and had a very specific look I was going after, and I didn't want  a full mask. I can take the bucket off drink water or eat a snack with out any issues, the bucket on nd rejoin the ranks of the undead.


    I took him out to a convention and a zombie walk, the reaction from th epublics been overwhelming. Lots of fun to wear, was it worth sacrificing my TK?

    Only time will tell.

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