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Posts posted by k405

  1. When you say eyebrow are you talking about the rubber strip that slips over the dome area above the eye or foam that would glue to the front of it?


    I can likely get you all the parts you need if the brow can just slip over the edge of the dome and not sit on the front of it.



    i'm not sure i understand the difference between "slip over the edge" and "sit on the front of it". i think i'm looking for a rubber strip to glue to the front above the eyes. the helmet is all put together already it's just that the old brow was lost. could you PM me with some pricing if you can get me the other FX kit pieces? thanks for the speedy reply!

  2. Hey! I posted a similar introduction on the FL501st page, but here goes! My name is Mike and i was an active 501st member a while ago but i've spent the last 2 years living in southern italy where i didn't really keep in contact with anyone. Anyways, in the past 2 years some friends "borrowed" my TK suit and have since lost/broken pieces so now that i'm back it's time to make some upgrades!

    If someone could point me in the right direction i need the following:

    a pair of drop boxes

    thermal detonator kit

    a pair of thighs

    and an eyebrow haha


    let me know if you can help me out! I'm trying to get everything squared away for Megacon next month!




    This is me when my suit was in its prime!


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