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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Mayhem75

  1. I would hope you have someone out of custome going with you as NCS.  First outing, by yourself, little kids, and did I mention your first outing?  As you know your vision is compromised and hearing is too.  Be careful I know I lose sight of little ones within a 3 foot radius and you never know who is behind you.  So if you don't have NCS coming with you I recommend that one of the school staff help you.


    Congrats on the first troop I know you must be excited!  But remember trooper safety is most important!


    And I know that no matter how careful I am I always step on or bump a youngling during a troop - it happens.


    Good luck, be safe, have fun!




  2. Greg,


    Welcome and you are in the right spot now.  I think I may have talked to you a bit at MCCC.  Here is the place that you will be able to get all the answers you seek.


    Make sure to sign up on the GLG forums as well.


    Do not be afraid to ask questions.


    Good Luck and have FUN!!!!




  3. Mission Report - Great Lakes Garrison intercepted intel of rebel scum in the area of The Palace in Auburn Hill, Michigan.


    Reports stated that General Lando Calrissian and assorted rebels would be supporting him to escape the area with smuggled plans of the newest Death Star.


    Imperial Forces were dispatched to capture the General and obtain the secret plans.



  4. Hello all:


    Well my RT-Mod build is almost complete. I have very minimal movement of the helmet but am playing with it.


    My bigger question to all is..... When out in the field do you help each other suit up? I have only put everything on a couple times now but there is no way I can do it all by myself to save my life.


    I am hoping the Troopers helping Trooper covers suiting up in the field.


    Let me know if I need to start practicing, I would hate to be that TK with the butt plate open LOL





  5. Well Isaac you are correct I do have a barrel for a chest. I have had a couple people suggest placing more padding in the top of the bucket. I am going to give that a try. I am a abit worried on that because the helmet fits fine current. Darn I wish I had a smaller chest or longer neck.


    Thanks for all the suggestions I will let you all know how it goes.


    As for posting pics I am having issues. I posted pics on a build tread and now every time I try to add pics to any post I is telling me I do not have enough file space. It looks like I have only a finite amount of space to post pics. Am I doing something wrong??

  6. Hello all:


    I am building a RT-Mod TK currently. As I am coming to the end the excitement grows.


    My question: Is it common to have very limited helmet movement? I have very little side to side and even less up and down.


    I believe I ultimately need my neck to be about two inches longer, but I don't think I can fix that. lol


    I have been thinking of enlarging the openning of the helmet a bit. The Helmet with my RT came assembled. I am thinking of removing the trim and cutting off about half an inch all the way around.


    Has anyone else had this issue and if so what kind of things have been done.


    Thanks for all your help so far.



  7. Not sure how to add more photos, so I am trying to use photobucket:




    I hope this link works


    As you can see I still have the thigh ammo pack and sniper plate to attach. The sniper plate I had was too small. I talked to Rob from RT and he is sending me a larger one.


    Belt and TD still needs to be done as well. Need to make some clips for it too.


    The picture of just my hand is proof that these rare earth mags are evil and will bite you if you do not keep your your eye on them.


    Eric - how does one post more pics directly with out using outside links?


    Here is to the Giant Sized TKs :pint1::Stormtrooper_walk_south:

  8. Thanks everyone - over all I am having a blast! As for EIB or Centurion status - I am just shooting to get accepted into the 501st first. After that who knows where it will take me. I am hoping a Galaxy Far Far Away.


    I am trying to add more pictures but it is saying that I do not have enough file space left. Do you only have a finite file space per thread? I was hoping that each post would let me attach more pics. Anyone have advise to help me on this, or do I need to start a new thread each time?

  9. Hello all:


    I started a build tread months ago (about May). So I thought I would put this one together to show the progress and hear what other TKs has to say (good or bad).


    Well as everyone goes through the excitement of wanting to do a TK build, to the massive reading to figure out which kit to go with, to the excitement of finally commiting to finally pulling the trigger and accepting the PayPal payment. Then the waiting, more reading, asking questions, more reading, buying supplies, more reading, more asking, more reading, hoping the boots I just brought will fit without trying them on. Small parts start getting delivered, excitement grows as you wear these groovy white boots around the house while welding an E-11 blaster (all while the Wife and Daughter roll their eyes and hope the blinds are closed). Then the day comes when the long awaited "BROWN BOX" get delivered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is like Christmas Day!!!!!!!!


    Open the box to see what will be a dream come true, white plastic bent and formed into what is to eventually become the dream come true of one who was 7 in 1977! Of course the first thing to be done is to try on the what is now commonly referred to as "the bucket" from all of my reading. To side this on and after figuring out know to get my melon into it, opening my eyes to see the world through the green lenses...... Who needs rose colored glasses, not this future TK!


    A few days later, after wearing the bucket around the house a couple times, all the parts get laid out and the build beings. The once high level of excitement turns into worry and almost sight panic - how do I start. I have done tons of reading on how to, where to, what to start with. I hope I don't screw this up, did I fit the bicep enough, maybe fit it one more time............ Then the first cut - did I cut it straight, more blue tape then more standing in front of the mirror, then the first sweet smell of E6000!


    Once you are pass the first cutting and fitting the roller coaster then starts. Excitement, wonder, panic, relief, excitement, frustration, excitement.... Repeat all of these for many cycles and in random orders.


    So enough of the long rambling and on to the pics........ (sorry for the lack of quality these have been snapped with my blackberry - work issued).

















    This is a start I am running out of space I will continue in other posts.......

  10. Kevin,


    Looks great congrats on the TK number!!! I am in the middle of my TK build (RT-Mod). I hope to follow in your foot steps real soon and hope to be approved as well.


    I am in Clawson, so if you have any questions feel free to hit me up. I will warn you I am no expert in this building process but I am having a great time learning and love to talk about it.


    Congrats again!!!!!!!!!!!


    Micheal :smiley-sw013:

  11. Hello all:


    I see everyone recommend the Novus products and the pics and videos I have seen seem this is the stuff to use. I am wondering where do you purchase this stuff. I have seen it on the Novus web site but does anyone know what stores carry this? I am in the Metro Detroit area and have not been able to find it. I have tried local auto supply, hardware, and craft stores with no luck.


    Looking to hear wear you purchase your polish - especially if you are in Michigan.





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