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Posts posted by Lieberman

  1. WOW!  That's the first I've heard of that, especially since it's from a member in my own garrison and there are over 1,000 bags that have been in circulation for about a year now.  These are regular reusable grocery bags made from the same material as many of the major retailers that are out there. SO, my advice would be not to keep anything in an armor bin except your armor.  I will get some plastic and throw some bags in a bin to see what happens and I will report back with findings. If anyone else has had this issue please let me know, I know many have said they were going to carry their buckets in it.

  2. I just ordered fans for my bucket, however, my ATA Works bucket doesn't leave alot of room fans and a battery pack. I love my ATA armor, just sayin', it's tight. Also consider taking off any stickers on battery packs. If you put the pack on top of your head, you may be able to velcro padding inbetween your head and the battery pack. if you don't remove any stickers, the velcro may pull itself off the batterypack when you try and remove padding. Another comment on batterypacks - be careful, the one I just got only took 5 minutes of playing with it before tabs that keeo it together, BROKE. Cheap plastic. Now a piece of Gorilla tape to keep the cover of it closed. All of this may make more sense if you have your fans and batterypack in hand and ready to be installed.

  3. I'm working on ATA Armor and Bucket and love it. I've posted numerous times to others - take your time and don't rush it. As I get towards the end I also realized that it wasn't going to cut and glue itself, you just have to jump in and do it. I'd say go with ANH - you can't get anymore original than that. Also I chose to go TD which makes life a little easier for a first build. Any mistakes can most likely be hidden with the weathering.


    Best of luck to you!

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  4. Hey Nate, I'm also in Northern Ca. I got my first bucket this past Nov. and am almost done with my armor. I went with ATA and it fits great - I'm 'bout 5'10" and 180 lbs. Once you start, ask any question you need to. It won't be the first or last time it gets asked and even if you don't get the exact answer you're looking for, all answers seem to have something usefull in them. I have gotten nervous about making mistakes on each piece of armor when I make my first cut. So far everything has worked out even better than expected. Do Not Rush Yourself, that's when you might make a stupid mistake.

  5. Thanks Vern!! I thought it had to be something like that. Funny thing is, at this point my ab, kidney,butt plats all connect and stay in place no suspenders needed. Fits like a bustier, so sexy, just kidding. Now if I add a downward force I may just have to add suspenders. Just when you think your done with one piece, another piece affects it. Thanks Again. I see you're not that far from me, hope to run in to you somewhere.

  6. Started working on thighs. How tight should I make them. What keeps them in place? Unless i just missed it, I'm not sure what keeps them from falling down. Also, they seem a little long, Where should they land on you (your)knee? I know that may be hard to answer with the interpretation of where the knee starts.

  7. I just overheated my belt while trying to bend it. Does anyone no where I can get one? I purchased ATA Works and haven't heard back about buying a replacement. I may just be impatiant, but I'm almost done with the armor and would like to join the 501st and MEPD ASAP. I don't want this one item to keep me from getting accepted.

  8. Way to go Kirby!!! I'm building my TD Armor now to join the 501st and troop for kids. My son has Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus so we have spent many days/weeks in Children's hospitals. It's people like you who have given insperation to join in on putting smiles on children's faces. I have as much love for for the Empire as the rest of you, but those that spend extra time with children that could use something extra special to bring a smile, get an extra two thumbs up. Thank You. I hope to be apart of the Golden Gate Garrison along with the MEPD soon!

  9. I'm on my first build and need to order boots. It looks like a good source was found, but I seem to have missed what the email or web site is. Can I get some help? Please let me know if the boots run big/small, I usually wear about a 9 1/2 US. Thank you! Nevermind, Just found TK Boots unless there is another source. This should work.

  10. 1st time building a helmet. It's an ATA helmet I've been worried about every little cut I make (remember your first time). I'm still working on getting the ears ground down, but have the face and back/top put together and just had to try putting it on my head. It seems small and I don't think I have an abnormally sized head. Is this normal? I'm sure I could trim it down a little more, but like I said, always worries about cutting too much. Roomie inside once it's on, the hole just seems small.

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