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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by prode1

  1. What is actually wrong with the stripes that come with the MR CE helmet?


    to small ? pointing the wrong way?


    If they are wrong then do I buy the stripes and place over the old ones?


    Or do I "erase them some how" (how to do this) and then apply the stripes?


    Any help in the area will be appreciated

  2. This is my last piece of the puzzle -- My armor is nearly completed -- need to get canvas belt in and rivet holster and attach canister - also repaint one of my buttons blue -- once I get these last two pieces in the mail I will be finished from the neck down--


    OK THE NECK up -- As stated I have the UK CE helmet -- when I put it on I can turn my head inside and the helmet doesn't move -- It's like a huge bobblehead.


    One how do I fix this problem --


    Two are the lens that come with it OK -- or can I tint them? and what color should they be? or replace and how to do this?




    Three i am planning on purchasing the skullworx fan and speaker system any one else have good results with this?

  3. Boot question ---What would you do?


    I contacted CA boots today because they are out of my size 8 and 8.5



    They do have 9 in stock though ---


    They will not have the others in stock for 2 - 3 months


    If I order the 9's and they don't fit i can't return them.


    My Tk should be done next month (need to get three items canvass belt that is on order, skullworx and boots)


    Do I buy the 9's (I heard they run small anyway) or wait and hope they come in stock and fit properly?


    Pls respond

  4. OK I think these are the parts I need to get for my trooper




    Helmet -- <---help please


    Neck piece


    undersuit <--- what do most of you wear and where do I find one


    gloves <--- help please


    boots I believe CA is a good for me


    and fx armor




    e11 blaster <-- I have a hasbro blaster (I really want to upgrade to something better and not use the Hasbro one)


    Please PM me with help or in put I am in socal garrison in the LA area



    Dumb question should I start building ANH trooper or start with the basic trooper and upgrade later

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