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Posts posted by nasigosong

  1. well done! I totally muffed up the ears on mine so it sits low and interferes with the S-trim fit....but whatevz I may just force it in somehow. Did you freehand the black outlines on the ears? As far as painting I finished the frown (need to buy some paint thinner or something to clean up my mistakes), still need to paint the ears and vocoder.

  2. Thanks for all the help and encouragement.

    A big thanks to John for allowing me to hijack his thread.


    Just wanted to show my progress one last time so I dont disturb John's thread any longer (though I may interject with questions now and again).

    I didn't want to create a new thread for the exact same build and have people repeat themselves to a noob like myself.








    It came out nicely I think...the brow is where I want it (the shadow makes it look crooked), and it looks like a helmet.


    R2 approves...what do you guys think?


    Thanks again John. I will hijack no longer....until the next problem :P

  3. The instructions were for a slightly different model so I was weary on using it (I follow instructions like a computer program).

    It's nice seeing another "non-pro" work on it because it gives me hope ;)


    Thanks for allowing me to hijack your thread. I will try and rivet it tonight as soon as i find my drill...hmmm the jawas must have hidden it somewhere.

  4. yea the left side has me worried about (green arrow) fitting nicely against the helmet. I dont know if the ear and the rivets is enough pressure to keep it from bulging.

    I know the cause is the back end of the face part of the helmet (yellow arrow)...there is, what looks to be an uncut piece, pushing the cap 'n back causing the gap. I would cut it put there is so little material left on that side as it is and I noticed in your pic that you needed every inch of material on that side just to rivet.








    once the ears are in im assuming I dont have to worry about these parts not fitting correctly with the S-trim. There is that troublesome spot on the left again...grrr.




    yea I was worried about this being too high for the ears to cover correctly and I think your pictures gave me a little more confidence.


    Did you trim anything else before riveting? I didn't want to cut the extra brow trim in case I had to make a cut further in.


    Thanks for help...I will be using the penciling method when I get the stones to start drilling holes and riveting.


    I need to rivet it together already so I can finally start trimming the ears...scary.

  5. So I'm also building the MTK and noticed the same things that had you worried. Looking at the helmet from the front (face side) the right side seam where the cap n' back is supposed to overlap and be covered by the ear looks like it will fit nicely after riveting; the left side I have doubt about because of the shape of the face portion not wanting the fit nicely with the contour of the cap 'n back.


    Did yours end up looking ok after riveting?

    Did the pressure of the rivet line them up ok?





    Im worried about this fit




    The left side is the one Im afraid to rivet.

    Also the way the cap n' back is angled in relation to the face portion has be worried as far it being hidden behind the ear.



    sorry if I hijacked your thread, but since you are much further in the process I thought I would ask you.

  6. @Darth thanks for the links! I have been scouring the threads for tools needed and am taking a hybrid approach (a bit from that list and bit from this...).


    @Trooper I should address you as Sir as you will be my CO, Empire willing...I believe Rob aka TD 7406 is assisting me. Sorry to hear about the attack on the garrison site.


    @TD 7406 thanks for the assist. I sent a PM informing you that I re-up'd so whichever message you get first this or the PM :P

    I would have emailed but I dont think you left an address for me to do so.

  7. thanks!


    I have joined my local garrison (waiting on approval/acceptance) There are a few troopers within the city limits, so we shall see if I can't go to a complete stranger's house and say, "Hi. we met on the internet, fix my armor." lol

    I am currently trudging through as many threads as possible looking at pictures and potential tools I will need. The most important step for me will potentially be very careful trimming as I am getting an AM and I'm 5' 10" 140lb with a small build.

  8. Just checking in to the fantastic new world of trooping.

    Hope to have all the necessary tools ready before my armor arrives (won't be here until a few weeks).

    Im sure there is a "toolbox" thread buried somewhere in here.


    Im hoping to make an ANH stunt TK or at least thats the goal...we shall see. If anyone has advice, and doesn't mind constant PMs I would like to be your new best friend for when I start this thing. :P


    hope to join your ranks soon!

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