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Posts posted by Balgosa

  1. Thought I'd post some pictures of my finished and Rebel Legion approved Havoc Squad Trooper! I figured other troopers would like to see!


    comped shot



    Thermal Detonator



    Front and Back




    From Long Beach Comic Con '12




    Bucket off



    after wearing a TK for a year, this thing is HEAVY! Weighs about 35 pounds with the rifle.


    I have a build thread (that is pretty long) on the Rebel Legion forums if anyone wants to see the progress!


  2. We did our first day at the set for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition for a firefighter who lost her house and her husband's star wars collection during the 2011 Texas fires.


    We were there to protect the designer who was building the secret room for the family. We donated a bucket with everyones signature on it to the family along with a star wars toys from all our personal collections.

    We go back on Wednesday to welcome the family home!!


    Since the episode doesn't air till next Christmas, I'm only posting images without spoilers.


    Designer John (who was doing the secret room)



    Designer Pauly and the Architect of the house



    Pro BMX Bike Rider Matt Hoffman



    and this one is just funny haha


  3. I'm having some issues on my AP armor with the buttplate. I'm a skinny guy and so my butt sticks out when the armor is snug like I did on my ab-plate.

    It hangs ok although rides up a bit when standing up-right but when i bend it sticks out on the top and overlaps sometimes cause my butt is pushing it out.


    I'm not sure if i should make longer elastic and make it hang lower (its under a half-inch from the back-abs right now) or maybe make the strap between the codpiece/butt longer and looser?


    Any ideas?


    here's me doing a weird bend in it so you can see it:



  4. Hey all! My names Brian. I'm a 32 year old Video Editor in the game industry. I have always wanted to start making armor and join the 501st but until recently hadn't put enough thought into it. After a few gaming conventions working with the 501st for our game booth, I now realized how much I REALLY want to do this!


    I however am not sure where to even begin figuring out how to create from scratch a Stormtrooper! Would you recommend starting off by buying the pieces or casting them yourself?



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