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Posts posted by Stubby

  1. Youre 15? Id give it a while before deciding on a set based on your size. Alot can change in the next 3 years believe me! Oh and welcome to the FISD!


    It might be a good idea, but I'll be buying a couple sets anyways. I'll either sell the older ones, or keep 'em for display, atleast my first set anyways.

  2. So, I have another good three years before I can even join the 501st, but hey, I'd rather get all the research and that other junk done before I turn 18. I'm 5'10 and only 120lbs now...fridgen matabolism... Any advice on where I should start? I already looked at the RT stuff, and I'm probably going to go with that for my first kit, but I'd still like to hear what you guys have to say about that.

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