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Posts posted by Bratliff

  1. I am 5' 10" and 195 lbs.  I'm going to need to trim quite a bit from the arms and legs to fit my body.  I'm not sure how much I'll have to trim from the ab / kidney parts to fit around my waist, as I haven't tried to fit those pieces yet.

    I'm 5'10" and 200 lbs and had to trim little from the arms, biceps and shins. Haven't gotten to the thighs yet. From preliminary test fits the torso sections seem about right in height and I will need to trim some from the additional "shims" that are moulded into the ab/kidney. Jusy offering this as a comparison. Personally, I think if you are much above 6' you'll be showing a lot of black at the knees and elbows but other than that it should work. This kit might be more work than others if you are shorter/smaller.


    I haven't started on the bucket but I bought my RT-Mod bucket when you could get them unassembled (I understand you can only get them built now?) so have built one three piece bucket. It really wasn't hard, but maybe the RT lid is easier? <shrug>

  2. Hey there Brett. I'm building my NE armor now. I'm 5'10" but I've got about an extra 45 lbs on you. So far the biceps were nearly perfect in length, as were the forearms after the front return edge was remoned. Shins are almost perfect in length for me. Chest and back seem well fit but I'll be using most of the built in shims on the ab and kidney where you'll be able to trim most of that off. In short, the kit should fit you well.


    As this is my first armor build I can't comment on any other armor.


    Hope this helps.



  3. Bummer... my thinking was that polishing first would affect paint adhesion. Truthfully, I was hoping to give this thing some major shine with some automotive polish.


    Why don't you mask off the white areas, leaving just your painted areas exposed, and then hit those with a gloss or semi gloss clear coat. Once dry, mask those areas off and then polish the helmet? You can also not clear coat your painted areas if they are fine. Just mask them off to protect them. I'd mask off the tube stripes too (just single tape covering the area, not each individual stripe).


    As to polishing, concentrate on the "high" areas of the helmet (dome, tubes, cheeks, etc.).


    And then, don't forget, POST PICTURES! I'm working on my first build now as well so I for one wanna see 'em.

  4. While I'm not your size I went with ATA after a few recommendations. I'm on the list and can't wait til it comes. Very convienent that you live so close to Dragon Con, hope to see ya next year.


    I'll definitely be there next year! I work just a couple blocks away at CNN Center, so I have free parking too! :)

  5. Welcome! Feel free to ask any question, no matter how small. I too have a RT-MOD helmet and am extremely happy with it. I am just waiting for the day that I can afford the armor....8 more days! Any idea on what type of TK you guys want to work on?


    I'm gonna do a standard ANH Stunt build.


    What armor does everyone suggest? My stats (at least the ones that might affect armor choice) -


    Height - 5'9"

    Weight - 200 lbs

    Chest - 42"

    Gut - 39"

    Waste - 36"


    I was originally thinking RTMod for armor too, but, from what I read, his armor is really more for larger Troopers, and AM isn't much smaller. Suggestions?

  6. Hi All! Been lurking for a while but, since I finally ordered my helmet today (still deciding on armor) I figured I better introduce myself before I start posting all sorts of HELP!!! posts. :o


    My name is Brett, I live in Atlanta, GA (just east of Atlanta, actually) and I've wanted to be a Storm Trooper since, oh, about May 26th, 1977, when at the tender age of 7 I saw Star Wars for the first time. I think I saw it eight times that year, which, back then was not easy to do, especially at 7 yo! Now, 35 years later, I find myself with a wife, two beautiful little girls (Jeannette 2, and Madeleine 1) and the time and money to make my dream happen. Plus I SO wanna dress my little girls up as Jawas one Halloween and go door to door looking for droids. :lol:


    I'm setting up a workstation in my shop to work on plastic bits, and picked up all the tools I'll need (based on all the build threads I've been reading recently). I'm fairly handy with tools and I'm in no rush so I really wanna do this right. I just ordered an RTMod Lid as I am cranially blessed.


    I've been a fan of the 501st for many years and look forward to joining.



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