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Posts posted by Satka

  1. Again, thank you all for your advice, which gave me enough energy to start my research right away!

    Well, I still have one week worth of real life work before three weeks of vacation, a good portion of which will be spent on this subject :)

    But I am psychologically ready to start now


    I am going to study:

    • The many possible sources for an armor kit, and how they compare (prices, types, quality)
    • The components I will need, from boots (TK it seems) to E11 (that one scares me)
    • The ultimate list of steps to build an armor, and I'll have to find tutorials for each one


    I'll come back with yet another approach to TK-ism, but as I'll have "built" it myself, it will hopefully help me proceed to actual realization with confidence ... (because I think the armor unboxing must be a spine chilling moment!)


    I can't wait!

  2. Yes, thank you for the advice.



    Wow ... give me an X-Acto, an untrimmed armor and three days and ... well after multiple cuts, I could only disguise myself as Anakin after his duel with Obi-Wan 


    It's true I am a little feverish from discovering all this new world today, I'd like to have it all done/take on the whole Empire myself right now 

    I am indeed going to spend the next weeks studying the subject thoroughly, and this place seems like an excellent starting point.


    I'll be back with more precise questions then ;)

  3. Thank you Lucas,


    And nice one :)


    I eechunta therefor I am...



    GL might have not invented anything new in terms or archetypes, but the way he assembled the best possible persons to achieve the multi levels tapestry that is SW is pure genius ;)


    And now I am going to be a speck in that tapestry, great! :D

  4. Hey there. :)


    Where are you located, and have you linked up with your nearest garrison yet?




    I'm from France.

    I already contacted (earlier today) my local garrison, and I'm still waiting for an answer.


    I figured it would be a good thing to gather as many information as I could, and make friends from various groups.

    I found Whitearmor to be impressive, by the vast list of subjects and detailed information it contained, so here I am ;)

  5. Hi there,


    I realize this is a question with no definitive answer, so it's more a request for your experience.


    How long does it take to have a finished TK armor, ready for trooping?

    It means:

    • Shipping delays
    • Armor trimming, sanding ... all the necessary mods (not the optional ones)
    • E11 building (or purchasing?)


    And what am I trying to achieve, by the way?

    • A TK armor,
    • 501st acceptable,
    • needing relatively simple tools (I don't plan to build a vacuum forming table for example),
    • needing average skills (I can trim, sand, paint, but don't plan to rebuild parts of the armor).


    I don't have a definitive budget (and it could influence how I'd get that armor finished a great deal, I know)

    As for now, it looks as if 900£ should cover it



    So, what do you think?


  6. Hello good people,


    There am I, finally taking the step to a larger (with more plastoid) world :)

    I'm finally going to start the ST armor journey, that will hopefully successfully end at Celebration 6 next year!


    I've been around SW for so many years, it seems like a logical decision, even if it took me years to take.

    Attending my first Celebration (C5) sure is not stranger to it too.


    So, a bit of introduction:

    I'm a first generation fan, having seen ANH when I was about 8. Since then, the GFFA is a strong part of what makes me (day) dream.

    Years passed.

    I enjoyed the PT as much as the OT, watching events unfold with growing excitement.

    Then came the CW cartoons, which bring a whole lot of interesting ramifications to the overall story.


    If I had to describe why I love SW in a nutshell (what an impossible task), I'd list three things:

    • The universe: There is so much to explore, it feels so open and free
    • The music: To me JW's music is the most important protagonist in SW. I can never get tired of it
    • The myths: More than flesh and bone, I find SW heroes to have such a great mythical impact ... (yes, as it has been often said, Campbell's influence is very clear in SW)

    Anyway, even if I'm not particularly extroverted, costuming is a new growing part of my fandom, and I hope I can bring a small something to this community!

  7. Hello there


    I'm completely new to the costuming world, but after attending to my first Celebration last year (C5), I was amazed at how fans can express themselves through costuming. :D


    Now, I am really eager to participate too, and I'm going to try to attend C6, and in costume if I can. ;)

    My first choice went to the Stormtrooper, anonymous but so striking, and iconic.


    But my height might be a problem ... I'm 1.65m, 60kg (5'5", 132 lbs).

    Do you think I would make a believable ST?


    In particular, I haven't found (yet) a list of armor types and how well they would fit my height.

    I started soaring the forums (here and there), and saw numerous tutorials, lists, countless pieces of advice ... I must admit I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now ... :o

    I still have to build my own knowledge of ST costuming, but the SDS kit looks very nice (albeit pricey, but I suppose I won't be able to avoid that ;))


    Thank you for your advice



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