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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Status Updates posted by arbayer2

  1. Just graduated from LWIT! Good times. Still on the broke side, though, so this account will be sporadically updated until I can get some money together for ABS. Best wishes!

  2. Still in college atm. What's the costuming scene like these days? It's been a while. ^^'

  3. Well, I'm still in college... XD Perhaps soon I can actually start saving money for ordering armor plates. It's been a long while and there's time yet, but I'll get there.

  4. Still biding my time, attending college, etc.

  5. In the middle of a quarter at LWIT at the moment, still hoping for a job in the Navy/private sector afterwards...

  6. Back on the West Coast! What timing, considering all the changes Star Wars is going through right now.

  7. Back on the West Coast! What timing, considering all the changes Star Wars is going through right now.

  8. Final preparations for mobilization back to Garrison Titan in progress... A hopeful trooper... well... hopes for enough time to become more active again. We'll see if that happens.

  9. Pretty inactive due to Naval entrance limbo and lack of access to my own desktop, but I try to check in when I can. Feel free to contact me via email or Facebook.

  10. Sorry I haven't been online much recently, Navy, website and other stuff occupy my time these days. I'll try to get on more often.

  11. Set up an account on Garrison Tyranus forums as I'm currently on the East Coast. Hit me up there!

  12. Starting to line up a set of armor... any ideas on ESB Stunt/Hero ABS armor that fits 6ft2in, 140lb with a bit of padding, let me know

  13. RIP Ralph McQuarrie. Thank you for your brilliant artwork!

  14. Getting stuff done in my private life, still committed to joining FISD via Garrison Titan/Tyranus.

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