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Posts posted by Demadred

  1. You want to be cutting along the 51cm edge.


    Your strips for the front of the thighs will be around 40cm long so cutting it the other way will make them too short.


    Make the leg strips between 20mm-22mm and the arm strips 15mm-17mm. They did vary on the screen used armour so there is no definitive size. Just remember to trim the corners at 45` like this \____/ for that screen used look :)


    Thanks a lot, I'll keep this in mind. I did try to cut a strip along the 30 cm line, and I did a pretty bad job at it, but I don't think it's a disaster... me hopes :P

  2. Thanks a lot for the quick and detailed response :)


    Since I've got your attention, basically what I need to do is measure to fit me, score and snap with a little bit of extra left to make a return-edge, then glue it together with the strips?


    Also, the ATA wrote some measurements on the sheets saying 16mm for the arms, 22mm for the legs and 25mm for the shin backs, should I rather use the measurements you provided?

  3. I just picked up my ATA set today, and so far I've just been reading as much as possible, and trying to score and snap some tiny bits to see how it works, yes I am very much a beginner at this, slightly different from my Tusken Raider build XD


    So I'm sitting here with two plastic panels at 30 cm by 51 cm and I'm just trying to figure out which way I should cujt it by. Do I cut it along the 51 cm length or the 30 cm length? Will there be a lot left over in the end so I shouldn't even worry about this? I know it might be a stupid question, but I'd really rather be safe than sorry.

  4. So while I'm waiting for my ATA set I decided to, well rather; my girlfriend finished her E-11 conversion, so I thought I should do the same! :D

    I made a few mistakes and blunders during the process, it's not perfect, but it looks pretty good and I'm happy with it :D


    And here comes the pictures:
















    Thanks so much to Jorran for his excellent tutorial, it has helped me so much (http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=12522)

    Also thanks to Pandatrooper for explaining how he did the detailing on ATA abs helmet(because I'm stupid) (http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=14806)

    And of course thanks to my girlfriend for giving me a kick in the butt! Hopefully I'll have my Tusken Raider and most of my TK done by the end of summer

    Haha this sounds like an oscar speech or something, I just thought I'd give thanks where they are due ^^

  5. Just popping in to say hello! I'm a 18 year old guy from Norway hoping to become a member of the 501st Nordic Garrison in the near future. I'm already working on a Tusken Raider (Have the head done) and also want to begin on a Stormtrooper, because who are we kidding? I need a Stormtrooper too. Always loved Star Wars since my sister sent me to sleep to it when I was 3, and I'm very excited about all of this! :D

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