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Posts posted by CSH

  1. Thanks Tiffanie, this thread has given me a lot to think about and some very inspiring stuff here as well.


    Sports injuries are the worst Ryan, if these are the sort of injuries that we pick up from playing in our spare time then imagine what it must be like for people who play pro sports all their lives! We'll kick this fat to the kerb with a bit of good old fashioned hard work and common sense :)Great to hear that you are following through on your plans, I've found that 3 days tends to be the initial hurdle into incorporating something into your daily routine - if you can do it for 3 days in a row then you're more likely to stick with it.


    On that subject, I've started doing some very light exercise - 30 situps and 10 pressups every day. I'm aiming to do this every day for a week, then next week I'll up the reps a little bit. At the moment I don't think I'm getting much benefit from it apart from a sense of accomplishment and probably won't see anything more substantial until I start doing more reps per day. I'm doing it this way because I really want to try and get myself to do exercise every day and make it part of my life. Lord knows how many times I've said "Right, starting today I'm going to do 60 situps and 60 pressups every day!" and spectacularly failed to implement it.


    Tonight is my sister-in-law's graduation and we're going out to dinner afterwards, and then tomorrow is the party/celebration dinner. It's likely to be full of food loaded with fat, sugar and all of that other unfortunately delicious stuff so I'm busting out my Eating Out Survival Guide.


    - Don't eat the bread if your food will arrive quickly, but if you need to eat some then have very little. Look for brown bread if provided, and it goes without saying that you shouldn't eat the butter.

    - If I have a salad, I have it without dressing as salad dressings can have a very high fat or calorie content (who else remembers Supersize Me, when the dude finds out that the McDonalds salads with dressing are actually just as bad and in some cases worse than their burgers?) It also lets me say "I'll have a naked salad" which causes a few upraised eyebrows and laughs amongst dinner company. If you do want to go for dressing, then look for "light" or "low fat" options.

    - When choosing a main course, in general a protein-centric dish will be better than one centred around carbs like a pasta dish. There are of course exceptions!

    - Look for roasted, boiled or grilled rather than fried.

    - Ask if your portion of chips/fries can be substituted for one of boiled vegetables or a green salad.

    - If you end up having something with a load of sauce then don't eat all of the sauce. That took me a surprising ammount of time to work out! :wacko:

    - I tend to look at the menu and decide whether I'm going to have desert or not right at the start of the meal. If I see something really special that I want then I be as healthy as possible for the main, but if I don't want desert then I can afford to take a few more liberties.

    - If you do have desert, see if someone wants to share. Being a baker and confectioner taught me just how much sugar and butter goes into those sweet sickly treats, so share the load if you can.

    - Lastly, and the most important thing for me: if you end up eating something that you didn't originally want to or ate something that went against your meal plan, then don't go "ah screw it" and dig into the junk food! It doesn't make you feel better. When it happens to me I eat quite lightly the following day and then get right back to it.


    Ye gods, what an essay :wacko:


    Wish me luck for the next couple of days!

  2. Welcome aboard~



    Welcome Chris! This sure is the right place to do your research!



    welcome aboard sir


    :salute: Thanks all, I've already done some lurking and have a reasonable idea about what I'm going to be going for. Now I just need to keep in touch with what's going on in the community so that when the time comes, I'm as best informed as I can be.


    Welcome to the FISD mate from another UKG member :D


    :salute: Thanks mate, I see we Brits have quite the reputation here, one that I intend to carry on :D

  3. Ryan, whilst I haven't been confined to bed because of injury I did suffer a knee injury whilst playing rugby and that kept me from doing anything strenuous for about 6 months. To this day I still have issues with cycling or other forms of exercise that require putting pressure on my legs. It's damn frustrating when you have the motivation to lose weight but just can't do anything about it! :angry: I'm off to the doctor after I post this so hopefully I can get myself properly sorted.


    For anyone who's interested I've got a couple of tips that I have found to be extremely helpful. (Disclaimer: I'm just a regular dude with no medical training at all beyond "if blood is coming out then that's a bad thing" so if I say something that's stupid call me out on it!)


    - Cut out or reduce sodas and alcohol, or look for diet versions of your favourite drinks.

    - Allow yourself some "junk" or "comfort" food. I have something non-diet every Sunday lunchtime and I get to look forward to it all week so I enjoy it even more.

    - Keep a supply of healthy snacks handy in the following places: house, work and car (if you drive).

    - Read the nutritional information on the back of something. If I'm feeling like a pizza or hot fudge sundae ice cream then normally one look at how many calories and grams of fat they contain is enough to send me screaming towards the nearest apple :lol:


    I do have some more ideas about what to chose when eating out, but that's for another time :)

  4. Hi guys, I'm a big chap at 185cm tall (6' 1") and I'd been ignoring my weight and let myself get to 121 kilos (268 lbs) two years ago when I moved out to Bolivia where I am working right now. With the help of a nutritionist (this is very important in my opinion) I put together a diet plan that took me away from a carb-based diet to one with lots of protein, fruit and vegetables. It's been a bit of a stop-and-start story for me, some months I've followed the plan, some I haven't, but right now I'm weighting 97.3 kilos (214 lbs) and I'm feeling that I have a lot more energy. I've battled to introduce more exercise into my daily routine, as I have a rather crazy work schedule (9:30am-1pm, then 3:15 until 8, six days a week!) and where I live it just isn't safe to go and take a walk or jog at night. I've started doing 30 situps and 10 pressups every night before taking a shower on the grounds that if I start introducing at least *some* exercise into my life on a daily basis then it is better than none!


    My goal is to get down to 85kg (187 lbs) by this Christmas. I'm setting myself this rather conservative goal because I've got a lot of business trips coming up when diet management becomes a lot harder and also the more weight you lose, the harder it is to lose more. I'm looking at taking up Krav Maga in July, so that should help. If I stay the course then I should be fit and trim for when I make it back to the UK and then I can start getting some TK kit :D

  5. Hi guys,


    I'm here for the reason that a lot of you guys are - I think Stormtroopers are awesome and I'd love to get my hands on a nice shiney set of white armour. I'm currently working out in Bolivia for the next year on contract but then after that I'll be heading back to the UK and looking to join the UKG as a TK with an EIB costume. In the meantime, I'll be using this year to lose a few kilos and do a hell of a lot of research so that I can make the best possible choices and not just rush out and buy the first thing that comes up on Google ;) Looking forward to chatting with you on the boards :)

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