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Posts posted by Kilroy

  1. Welcome aboard Walter!


    You have some great people up there in Squad 7 territory. This includes, but is not limited to, Missingpieces. His build tutorial on the FLG forum is a MUST read.


    Do your research, take your time, ask questions and have fun!


    Do you have a kit yet, or one in mind? Decided on what build? I definitely don't have all the answers but I am happy to help find them.


    Oh, and when can I look forward to seeing your EIB app? B) (I have a personal goal to help the FLG double their number of EIB in a years time... no pressure) :D


    Again, welcome!


    Hey AJax407


    I did use this site and other before buying my Armor and the information was vast but did point me in the right direction. I do have my Armor in hand and have been working on it the past week. I have been moving very slow as not to mess anything up. My armor is (hoping i get the lingo right) TK ANH. AS soon as my Armor is complete i plan to join the 501st/Squad 7 and start getting my boots wet trooping. My goal is 2 months from June but we shall see I don't want to rush through this just to get it going. The warnings on the boards are clear "Take your Time" and that i shall do lol.

  2. Hello Everybody,


    My name is Walter Woodruff and i am from Jacksonville,Fl. I am 44 soon to be 45 in June and have been a SW Fan Boy for a long time. I have started working on my ANH TK costume (think that the right way to say it)and hope to have it completed soon. My goal is to become a 501st member as soon as i can to get out and enjoy some trooping. I am registered on the 501st Florida boards and now here.


    so that a bit about me and i hope to see and meet a lot of you guys over time and take care and be safe.


    Walter Woodruff (Kilroy)

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