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Posts posted by m2grunt

  1. Oh LORD! It's been hectic with work and family, but I finished my build! I submitted my pics and after what seemed like an eternity, finally heard back from the 501st! First time go! Please allow TK6239 to join your ranks! I look forward to trooping with EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU BEFORE I DIE!!!!

  2. Don't read the manual that came with the kit. Read this forum instead. It's a lot better, I promise! :)


    Ok, trying to find the right entries, but not really understanding it. So, do I trim off the curled in parts on the top AND bottom of the biceps and forearms? I know I'm supposed to make them as thin as possible, but when they keep mentioning the "return ends", am I understanding correctly?

  3. I build costumes and props by my lonesome too so you're not alone in doing that, ironic as that sounds. Just means your self reliant. It's no big deal to remove all the paint and redo it. Thinner will take the paint right off and not damage the plastic. Just make sure you don't use acetone. That stuff eats plastic.


    Yeah, luckily my neighbor had the right kind of thinner and I went to town on the edges with a q-tip. Looks a little better, I'm just debating on whether or not to do the "fourth tooth". But it's coming along nicely and I should have the entire helmet sealed up and ready by either tonight or tomorrow. Pics to follow! Thanks again for all the tips guys. I do want to be as screen accurate as possible.

  4. Ok guys, about a week in and I just wanted to let you all know where I'm at. I'm doing it alone only because I guess I've just always been a loner, another reason to seek 501st membership. Friends...LOL.


    So, I've obviously unpacked everything. I painted my ab buttons, and begun work on the bucket. I've met some people down here in Texas and read some of the entries on trooping in hot climates so as you can see, I went ahead and did the "open teeth" mod. I have to find some nice screening to go behind now.


    I'll keep you posted!



  5. Ok, brown box day today! I unpacked everything and put together the aerators. I also went out and bought the spray paint for the cannister and helmet pieces. I am looking forward to trying to put together an armor party if anyone's interested. I think the protocol is pizza and beer, right?

  6. Howdy! I'm James, i'm 28 an avid Star Wars fan, located in Houston, TX (League City to be more precise), and have always been interested in my own set of trooper armor. As my friend Zac Muleer posted below me we are good friends and excited about building our armor for the upcoming Celebration 6. I am also currently in the process of convincing my wife to build a set femtrooper armor. Its going to be an awesome year the next year as we build our armor and i thank all of y'all in advance for the help and support. I can't wait to get started.


    Once I get up and running in mine, I would love to be able to help you guys out. If you'll have me. We could always use my office at Ellington Field if you two are short on space.

  7. Welcome to the FISD! Have you been in contact with the South Texas Squad of Star Garrison? We have a recruitment officer that can tell you where troopers are in your area. I'll send you a PM with info. Herbie7159 on these forums just got approved with his costume. He lives in the area so you might could send him a message too. We have a lot of troopers in your area who can give you advice locally.


    Read this post, it's extremely helpful: http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=11538 You can send me a message if you have any questions.


    Yup. Actually, I was just on that page when your message popped up. I have been in contact with my local guys. In fact, I got a message from Jason Davis with a couple of helpful links as well as a POC for a local armorer. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  8. Hi all. My name is SSG Richard A. Flores. I am a recruiter for the Texas Army National Guard at the University of Houston. It has been my dream to one day become a Stormtrooper. I look forward to joining you all soon on marches and other charity events. Thanks! Ok, read a couple of other posts. I guess I should tell you all that I am 39 years old. I have loved Star Wars forever. I even have a Polaroid picture of myself at the opening of Episode 4 when I was six years old.

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